All through the chapter ofthis book, we have been able to highlight the various aspects of entrepreneur development. This is with particular reference to Nigeria. Entrepreneurship...
The world is fast changing. In the last few decades, developments have occurred which have shaped and are still shaping the way people communicate with one another as well as share or...
. Academic Libraries Academic libraries are libraries associatedwith institutions ofhigherlearning which are devoted to academic activities oftheirparent institutions. They...
Aspects of library public relations (LPR) programmes take place outside the library. This is not surprising considering that LPR is designed to help the library forge a good understanding...
Security refers to a process; designed to protect something or somebody against danger. It is an act of preventing crime, where in the case of library resources, it prevents un-authorized...
This paper discussed climate change and rural farmcrs-ccntcrcd climate change awareness through information and education. Climate change has become a threat to agriculture world over....
Introduction In the current information society, universities are not being visibly recognized or rated based on beautiful trees and buildings that exist within their environments but...
Abstract The 21st century has brought significant changes to the field oflibrarianship, including the rise ofdigital technologies and the increasing importance ofonline resources. As a...
By way of definition, the library can be called a repository place which collects bibliographical materials and organizes them in a meaningful way and eventually makes them available for...
What are Library Resources? The term ‘resources’, depending on the context ofits application, means differentthings in different applications and to differentpeople. In project management,...
The word or concept publish” take itsroot from the Latin word meaning make public. In this sense it is referred to making an idea conceived by an author to the public. Shibandi (1998)...
Fund-raising, as an activity for libraries and librarians is not new. However, fund-raising as an organised integral function oflibrX management is new. For some time now, fund-raising...
University Libraries in Nigeria and indeed all over the world have engaged in various readership promotion exercises to encourage the use of their resources by the clientele. The library...
Since state and its inception private universities in 1948, university - have been libraries on thein Nigeria challenge- nowt evolve cuttingnaturallv across aid i ' some 1996; Ogunsola,...
The concept of information policy" derives strength from two basic words "information and "policy'. Hence in gaining proper and profound understanding of the concept we will explain...
Information is vital to humanity. It is one of the best aspects of fundamentals of human life. The term "information" is difficult to define precisely although its properties and effects...
The establishment of academic libraries in institutions of higher learning across the globe is geared towards supporting and enhancing teaching, learning and research.Edom (2012) stated...
From ancient times till date the creation and management of records has always been significant and relevant. Institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the likely value contained...
The library of today has embraced the notion and practice of public relation in the electronic fonn. At first, LPR was based only on manual methods. This involved every person who has any...
Introduction Knowledge management involves the omAn,c=K to achieve individual and corporate goals Th 9 at'°n barnessing of the knowledge assets in order practice of knowledge management...
Information is to social interaction, what blood is to the human body. This is because, at the root of anyrelationship lays the generation, exchange and utilization of information. Every...
Organizational pattem/structures of Nigerian university libraries vary. Most often, this variation could be as a result of the space the library is occupying, the personnel at the time of...
Information could be seen as a dynamic concept which results into knowledge in action. Consequently, the quest for a better standard and proper handling of information, which is an...
Management ofacademic libraries has been an issue on the front burner oflibrarianship. Thisis based on the factthatwhat distinguishesthe library from any otherinstitution lies on the...
The library regardless of type and size remains a veritable institution charged with the sole responsibility of information generation, organization, dissemination, preservation and...