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The project studied the microbiological and nutritional of garri produced by two methods; instant mechanical method and traditional fermentation method. Cassava tubers ofTME 419 variety...
Paint degradation on surface causes it's components to be mineralized and lead to the release of harmful products into the environment causing an alarming situation. The aim of this study...
Fruits and vegetables can be easily contaminated with microbiological, chemical and physical hazards because they are often grown and sold in open environments. These microorganisms are...
This study was carried out to investigate the drug resistance pattern of Salmonella spp. from the stool samples of patients diagnosed of typhoid fever. Faecal specimens were...
Babies heat prickly powders are powders that contains antibacterial, Absorbent and refreshing natural essential oil that aid in the relieving ofitching, heat rash and skin irritation on...
This study isolated, characterized and identified microorganisms involved in wood degradation. A total of six bacterial and four fungal isolates were found to be responsible for the...
Bread is one of the staple foods in the world and it is recognized as a semi perishable commodity. Usually the spoilage of bread is due to improper storage. The fungi associated with the...
Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amount, confer a health benefit on the host. The aim ofthis study was to characterize lactic acid bacteria from fish....
Ginger (Zingiber officinale} and Tumeric (Carcuma longa) are two plants that are used as additives in foods, usually in the form of spices, colourant and preservatives and are known to...
Palm wine is a cheap source of yeast that can augment for the more expensive commercial yeast. Utilizing palm wine yeasts for industrial processes requires a comprehensive knowledge...