Like every other field of science, economics as a social science, be it in the microeconomic and macroeconomic sphere has developed two time-tested approaches to its investigation namely;...
Animal foods furnish readily available nutrients in such proportions that are difficult to obtain from other foods. The most important of these nutrients is protein. Proteins are very...
Nigeria ranks fifty fifth worldwide and first in Africa in farm output. Agriculture has suffered from years of mismanagement. inconsistent and poorly conceived government policies and the...
Human organism begins with the fertilization of the egg by sperm to form the zygote, which implants in the endometrium of the uterus to become the foetus. This tiny zygote develops over a...
Productivity generally denotes the relationship between output of goods and services and the resource inputs both human and material utilized n producing those goods and services It is...
Plant population is the number of plants per unit area. Plant population can be manipulated for maximum interception ofsolarradiation reaching the earth surface. The optimum number...
Soil can be defined as the organic and inorganic materials on the surface ofthe earth that providemedium forplant growth. Soils develop slowly overtime and are generally formed from the...
Nigeria is a large economy in Africa, contributing 10.15 percent of African GDP and constituting even a much higher proportion (14.54 percent) to African population (Akpan and Afangideh,...
The incidence of poverty in Nigeria in recent times has become a major challenge to policy makers and most Nigerians. Central Intelligence Agency (2011) noted that the incidence of poverty...
Poverty is an enemy to man. It has been a serious challenge to governments in Nigeria. Ils effect, which includes lack and deprivation in the basic necessities of hie, is worrisome....
Medical biochemistry tiies to understand and solve health problems in man and animals using the tools of modern biochemistry. General biochemistry concepts and enquires into biological and...
The life ofanimals is sustained by two main fluids the semen and the blood, both ofwhich contain very valuable seeds oflife, their cells or cellular components. Let us briefly consider...
The Longmans Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995) defines food as “Things that people and animals eat such as vegetables or meat" and I add “and their products thereof’. Food is one...
The human population ofAfrica is estimated to be growing at a rate of3.1% per year (Ndituru, 1993). This growth in population has stimulated a policy aimed at self-sufficiency in food by...
Microbiology is the scientific study of microscopic organisms. A microorganism or microbe is a living organism that is so tiny it can only be seen with the aid ofa microscope. It is so...
Agriculture is discussed in this lecture from the business point of view. In other words, we are looking at agriculture as one of the productive sectors of the economy. The implication...
THE HYDROSPHERE: The hydrosphere refers to the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, as distinguished from those of the lithosphere (the solid upper crust of the earth), and...
Feed is the bedrock of animal production. It accounts for 60-80% ofthe total cost of production, particularly in monogastric animal production (Ogunfowora, 1984). This has been attributed...
One very difficult task for mathematicians has been to give a comprehensive but precise definition ofthe subject mathematics. Sometime, seven Fields medalists in mathematics attempted to...
In 1973, E.F. Schumacher, an economist, wrote a book titled SmallIs Beautiful in which he ij'lenged the conventional wisdom of “the bigger the better” as well as the theory of T >...
Four Inaugural Lectures have been delivered at various times from the Department of Food Science and Technology. These previous lectures addressed several aspects of Food Science...
There are different types ofecological zones such as the Rainforest Gui Savannah etc. which visibly are distinct from one another based on th ’ avanna^*’ Sudan in physical sense it is...
The sky is very beautiful. Some ofthe objects m the sky are ordinary stars. Others merely look like stars. Yet, others are huge collections ofstars called galaxies (Plate 2). Majority...
My admission was originally to study Chemistry Education in University of Ibadan, Jos Campus (Preliminary). Prior to then, I had never travelled outside my locality, and being too young at...
It is important to make some remarks about soil formation so that this audience will appreciate the linkage between soil formation and soil fertility. Soil formation Soils are formed by...