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Welcome to Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Online Repository that collects, preserves and distributes the academic and research output of Michael Okpara University
The deterioration of surface water in the southeast region of Nigeria is a primary issue due to the high demand for drinking and irrigation purposes in most communities. The present...
The issue of exposure of concrete to urine environment containing creatinine as one of its compositions cannot be eradicated easily as people have to urinate in public where toilet is made...
This study. Assessment of borehole water quality in Olokoro community, Abia state was carried out. The quality ofwater used for domestic purposes from twenty boreholes at Olokoro community...
Public private partnership (PPPs) is a form of cooperation between the public and private sectors. Its goals are to finance, build (reconstruction), operate and maintain infrastructure and...
The growing global population in a bid to solve the challenge of water shortage has resorted to groundwater and rainwater considering their benefits. The aim of this study was to...
This project was carried out to determine the effect of process parameters on the production and characterization of plant based biochar. Two plant based biochars (cocoa pod and...
The investigation on selected engineering properties of velvet tamarind necessary for shelling was carried out in the laboratory of Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering...
The experiment aims to investigate the effect of poultry manure, cow dungs and goat droppings on the general health of the soil.The results also revealed that goat droppings had the...
This article modified and evaluate a dual heat source garri fryer using waste oil as a heat storage material. Based on the already existing machine, the new development we made were...
Reducing the hygroscopic piopeilies of fried garri using red palm oil of three concentrations of palm oil (100ml, 50ml, jOml) was carried at Food Trait Profiling Laboratory ofthe...