project work studies the prevalence and mortalio Local Government Area. Abia State from 20X0M malaria p^nts in 1‘muahia ihisStudy in analyzing the data collected from the mX tcchlli^'cs...
Multivariate statistical control chart is used to monitor production process consisting of more than one variable. The purpose of this work is to formulate a control chart for the Nigerian...
The main objective of this work is to examine the factors that affect students' performance in any given course. A case study of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. The...
The study compared the performance of secondary school students in the Southeast region using results of students in West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in...
The declining trend in yam produce highlights the need for a statistical study to determine the effect of fertilizer on yam yield as well as the best agronomy management options available...
Birth weight is an important determinant of wellbeing of an infant. Also the reason for every pregnancy is to have a healthy baby. But most times, some pre natal sicknesses tend to hamper...
unemployment has assumed an alarming dimension and a a °Ce areuna I m ? J?°died wh° a"= »i>ling to accept jobs at a Tp3 sine problems tacin i-1 3 P acenlent- Unemployment is regarded as...
Evaluation of microorganisms associated with deterioration of tomato and pawpaw fruits was carried out. Analysis revealed that various bacteria and fungi in high densities...
This project considered the analysis of Nigerian monthly crude oil prices using BoxJenkins methodology. Monthly data on Nigerian crude oil prices (US$/barrel) from the period...
We considered the population dynamic of a housefly in well-defined stages. We usecj Leslie and Lefkovitch matrix which considered Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors as the best approach in...
The effect of cassava mill effluent on soil microorganisms and the physicochemical parameters of the soil at various depths were studied. The results revealed the bacterial isolates as...
Two medicinal plants used locally in folk medmine were evaluated for antimicrobial it was found that most plant extract studied possess antimicrobial activity. [he bacterial activity in...
Microbiological analysis ofwheat Hour sold in Umuahia was investigated 12 samples from 5 different locations were obtained. Five different bacterial species were identified in this survey....
The detection and enumeiation ot coliforms in three (3) locations mainly Upper, base and Lower. The quality of the stream was evaluated using the most probable number for coliform...
The microbial quality ofsmoked fish sold in Umuahia was evaluated for the presence of bacteria and fungi. Results obtained revealed a mean bacterial load of 66.5 x 104 cfu/g in scumbia and...
Antibacterial activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts oSXylopia aelhiopica and Monodora myristica were assayed against S. aureus, E coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. These...
The study attempts to model All Share Index of Nigerian Stock Exchange using time series model. The time series model is the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) class of...
Compaq Ive ^S1S 0 e antimicrobial strength offive antibiotics commonly used in a ion oot rop Research Institute clinic was investigated. The antibiotics were Gentamicin, Chloramphenicol,...
Microorganisms associated with ready-to-eat sliced pawpaw and watermelon fruits were investigated. Evaluation of the possible bacteria and fungi on the fruit samples was carried out based...
Microbiological and Nutritional qualities of avocado fruit sold in Umuahia were carried out.The mean counts of the microorganisms isolated from the avocado samples ranged as follows; total...
Aqueous (cold and hot water) and ethanol extracts of Piper guineense seeds were screened for antibacterial activity against four microbes, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi,...
The physico-chemical, planktonic as well as macro invertebrate characieristics of Anya stream in Amaoba community, Abia State was studied over a period of 5 months. The stream was...
A sun w of the niierol'..logical status and proximate composition of soymilk sold and consumed within Uniuah a metropolis was carried out using standard microbial procedures. Samples were...
The study ofthis research is how Demography and the population statistics can be used as tools towards the development ofNigeria economy which will also help to locate and identify,...
This research looked at the linear relationship that exist between JAMB Scores, Age, Sex and CGPA. The statistical tool used was regression analysis and JAMB Scores, Age and Sex were...