The study evaluated talent management strategy in Nigerian
Telecommunication Industries, a study of MTN and Airtel Nigeria limited.
Managing talent di a global organization is more complex and demanding than ii
is in a national business and few worldwide corporations have risen to the
challenge of how to develop talent management. Beyond tI1C broad Ol)jeCli VC,
the study sought specifically to evaluate the impact of liunian resource
development on employee percormance ifl the organizations; ascet lain how
employee trining and developineiit can enhance employee per orrnance in the
organizations: examine the effects of staff lrai iii ng on the organizations
performance. This research focuses on highlighting the way in which
organizations should embrace talent managemeni to obtai ii and retain the best
talent available for the success of their organizations. From the literature
review it is explained that in order ir talent management to be effective it
must be al ignecl to organizational strategy. A total of 24 management and non
management staff out of a total population of 657 were selected across the
regional offices iii Ahia State using stratified sampling technique from which data
and information were elicited using the questionnaire. Analytically, the study
employed descriptive statistics in attainment of specific objectives. '[he
analytical result revealed that almost all the respondents are satisfied wi h
the result of the talent nlan:uzeil-lent strategy program rue. A I most all the
employees agreed that the talent management programme crc:ites good work
culture as well as enhances the values of employees and decrease in turnover of
employees. Another observation of the study is that most of the employees are.
satisfied that talent management programme helps to identify the strength and
weakness of employees. A final point emanating from the study is that when it
comes to talent management and achieving organ i :itional strategy it is not
business as usual. Companies need to ne aware of brand profiles most. desired
by highly talented individuals; they also need to be aware of various
recruiting strategies as well as xii acknowledge that different employees are
at different levels of the motivational hierarchy. The coefficients of
education, rei ineration. employee performance and related work aica possessed
expected positiVe signs and significant at varied probabi lily levels vlii Ic
household size and work experience posited negativc signs at 1% and 10% levels
respectivciy. This implies that the i-espondenl's staff talent management rate
is e.ihanced by increasing education. remuneration, employee performance and
posting to related work area and adversely affected by household size and work
experience. The result showed ftat a positive significant relationship at 0.01
level of probability exist between employee training and development and talent
management. This implies that employee training and development is strongly
related to talent management of employees. The results showed that among the
variables considered in analysis of the effect of talent management strategy on
organization performance, sex, age, marital status. cost of running btisi ness.
household size and work in related area were significant at 5-percent
probability level respectively while staff training was significant at
I-percent level of probability. The study concludes that talent management is a
viable path towards improving organizational peilormance and recommended
amongst others that, management should take more steps to improve the job
environment and working conditions in other to get the best fioiii employees
talent and enhance better productivity.
OTUOKERE, C (2021). Evaluation Of Talent Management Strategy In Nigerian Telecommunication Industries: A Study Of MTN And Airtel. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-talent-management-strategy-in-nigerian-telecommunication-industries-a-study-of-mtn-and-airtel-7-2
CHARLES, OTUOKERE. "Evaluation Of Talent Management Strategy In Nigerian Telecommunication Industries: A Study Of MTN And Airtel" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 14 Oct. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-talent-management-strategy-in-nigerian-telecommunication-industries-a-study-of-mtn-and-airtel-7-2. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
CHARLES, OTUOKERE. "Evaluation Of Talent Management Strategy In Nigerian Telecommunication Industries: A Study Of MTN And Airtel". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 14 Oct. 2021. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-talent-management-strategy-in-nigerian-telecommunication-industries-a-study-of-mtn-and-airtel-7-2 >.
CHARLES, OTUOKERE. "Evaluation Of Talent Management Strategy In Nigerian Telecommunication Industries: A Study Of MTN And Airtel" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2021). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-talent-management-strategy-in-nigerian-telecommunication-industries-a-study-of-mtn-and-airtel-7-2