This study was aimed at identifying the soil
conservation skills required by students of agriculture in post primary schools
in Igbo-Eze-North LGA ofEnugu State. The study utilized a descriptive survey
design with a five research questions which was developed and answered in line
with the purpose ofthe study. The instrumentfor data collection was a
researcher developed questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by three
experts, one from the department ofSoil Science and the other twofrom the Department
ofAgricultural Education and Measurement and Evaluation respectively. The
questionnaire was tested for reliability using Cronbach Alpha method and the
result showed a coefficient 0.85. The population is 192, comprising of 150
registered crop farmers and 42 Agricultural Science teachers in Igbo-Eze-North
LGA. The sample size is 60 made up of38 registered cropfarmers and 22
Agriculture Science teachers all in Igbo-Eze-North L.G.A. The data collected
were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research
questions. T-test statistics was used to test the null hypothesis, it was found
that the students ofagriculture in post primary school need soil conservation
skills in the area ofplanting practices, conservative tillage, mulching, cover
cropping and maintaining of soil PH, the result was found to have a significant
difference in the mean responses of commercial crop farmer and teachers of
agriculture on the skills required by students of agriculture in postprimary
schoolfor plantingpractices, But there was no significant difference in the
mean responses of commercial crop farmers and teachers of agriculture on the
skills required by students ofagriculture in post primary schoolfor
conservative tillage. Furthermore, it was found that there is a significant
difference in the mean responses of commercial crop farmers and teachers
ofagriculture on the skills required by students ofagriculture in Igbo-EzeNorth
for cover cropping. From the work, the following recommendations were made
among others; Agricultural teachers should be properly trained on how to impact
the required crop conservation skills to the students. The state government
should at all time provide adequate resources to the schoolsforproper teaching
ofagricultural science.
-- (2023). Soil Conservation Skills Required By Student Of Agriculture In Post Primary School In Igbo-Ezenorth L.G.A Of Enugu State:- Eze, Ogbonnaya N.. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/soil-conservation-skills-required-by-student-of-agriculture-in-post-primary-school-in-igbo-ezenorth-lga-of-enugu-state-eze-ogbonnaya-n-7-2
--. "Soil Conservation Skills Required By Student Of Agriculture In Post Primary School In Igbo-Ezenorth L.G.A Of Enugu State:- Eze, Ogbonnaya N." Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 Nov. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/soil-conservation-skills-required-by-student-of-agriculture-in-post-primary-school-in-igbo-ezenorth-lga-of-enugu-state-eze-ogbonnaya-n-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
--. "Soil Conservation Skills Required By Student Of Agriculture In Post Primary School In Igbo-Ezenorth L.G.A Of Enugu State:- Eze, Ogbonnaya N.". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 Nov. 2023. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/soil-conservation-skills-required-by-student-of-agriculture-in-post-primary-school-in-igbo-ezenorth-lga-of-enugu-state-eze-ogbonnaya-n-7-2 >.
--. "Soil Conservation Skills Required By Student Of Agriculture In Post Primary School In Igbo-Ezenorth L.G.A Of Enugu State:- Eze, Ogbonnaya N." Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2023). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/soil-conservation-skills-required-by-student-of-agriculture-in-post-primary-school-in-igbo-ezenorth-lga-of-enugu-state-eze-ogbonnaya-n-7-2