The study sought
to determine the relationship between vocational training and occupational
performance of fish farmers in South-East, Nigeria. The study answered seven research
questions and tested seven null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The
study adopted correlational research design. The population of the study is
10,024 trained fish farmers from the 45 fishery vocational training centers in
the area of study. The total sample for this study is 370, drafted using Krejcie and Morgan Table for sample size. Proportionate sampling
technique with a sampling fraction of 0.037 was adopted to distribute the
sample across the area. The instrument for data collection for the study were
two sets of structured questionnaire titled “Level of Fish Farmers Vocational
Training Questionnaire” (LFFVTQ) and “Fish Farmers Level of Occupational
Performance Questionnaire” (FFLOPQ). The first instrument was structured on a
four point rating scale of very high level of training-(4points), high level of
training–(3points), low level of training–(2points), and very low level of
training – (1point). The second instrument was structured in a four point rating
scale of very high level of performance-(4points), high level of performance–(3points),
low level of performance–(2points), and very low level of performance– (1point).
The instruments were divided into parts A and B. Part A dealt with personal characteristics
of the respondents while part B dealt with the items of research questions. The
part B was divided into seven clusters in line with the research questions and had
a total of 125 items. The instruments were validated by five lecturers, three
in Agricultural Education, one from fishery and one from Measurement and
Evaluation in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The
reliability of the instrument was tested by administering the instrument to 50
trained fish farmers in Cross River State. Their responses were collected and
analyzed using Cronbalch alpha coefficient and a reliability coefficient of
0.82 and 0.79 were obtained. Data for the study were collected by the
researcher and five research assistants. Three hundred and fifty five (355)
copies representing 96% of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed while
15 copies were not retrieved. Data collected were analyzed using, Pearson’s
product moment correlation coefficient for answering the research questions and
simple linear regression for testing the null hypotheses. It was found from the
study that: there is a very high positive relationship between vocational
training and occupational performance of fish farmers in fish breeding,
feeding, disease and pest control; there is a positive relationship between
vocational training and occupational performance in planning, harvesting and
processing of fish products while there is low/weak relationship between
vocational training and occupational performance in fish marketing in South
East, Nigeria. It was also found that there is a significant relationship
between vocational training and occupational performance in all the hypotheses
tested for the study. The study concluded that increase in level of training
will lead to increase in performance but the proportion of increase varies
across the different training clusters. Among the recommendations made were
that farmers should acquire more vocational training in fish production from
planning to harvest and processing as it has been established that the training
relates highly to their occupational performance. Government and
non-governmental organizations should establish more aquaculture vocational
training institutions across South East Nigeria so that those who could not
attend the formal school programme can attend vocational training since the
training has been found to relate significantly to occupational performance in
fish production occupation.
AMUCHE, E (2024). Relationship between vocational training and occupational performance of fish farmers in South-East, Nigeria:- Eje, Amuche E. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/relationship-between-vocational-training-and-occupational-performance-of-fish-farmers-in-south-east-nigeria-eje-amuche-e-7-2
ELOM, AMUCHE. "Relationship between vocational training and occupational performance of fish farmers in South-East, Nigeria:- Eje, Amuche E" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 30 Apr. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/relationship-between-vocational-training-and-occupational-performance-of-fish-farmers-in-south-east-nigeria-eje-amuche-e-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
ELOM, AMUCHE. "Relationship between vocational training and occupational performance of fish farmers in South-East, Nigeria:- Eje, Amuche E". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 30 Apr. 2024. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/relationship-between-vocational-training-and-occupational-performance-of-fish-farmers-in-south-east-nigeria-eje-amuche-e-7-2 >.
ELOM, AMUCHE. "Relationship between vocational training and occupational performance of fish farmers in South-East, Nigeria:- Eje, Amuche E" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/relationship-between-vocational-training-and-occupational-performance-of-fish-farmers-in-south-east-nigeria-eje-amuche-e-7-2