project involves designing and testing of an affordable household candlestick
water filtration model for rural dwellers, using locally available materials.
These are silt clay, sawdust and sharp sand mixed at three sets of ratios for
cfficicnt micro pores reduction. The ratios are for filter A(I: 2:3), for
filter B( 1 :2:4) and filter C(2: 2 ½ :5) respectively. The candlesticks are
dried in an oven at temperature of 105C for 2 hours and then baked in a furnace
at a temperature of 200'C for 7 hours. The baked candlestick filter was fixed
to a galvanized stand. The measured parameters in both the filtered and raw
water are PH, turbidity, sulphate, total dissolved solid (TDS) and
bacteriological concentrations. The values recorded for the raw water are PH
(7.0), Turbidity ( 10.0 NTU), Sulphate (0.0mg/L), Iron (0.10mg/L) total
dissolved solids (TDS)(12.5mg/L), bacterial concentration values in total
colifonn bacteria and total viable bacterial are (9.0CFU/mL) and (3.0CFU/ml)
respectively. Also the values recorded for the filtered water for filter A, B
and C are for PH (6.5, 6.5, 6.5) for TDS ( I 0.0MG/l, 9.5mg/L, 9.0MG/IL), for
sulphate (O.mg/L, Omg/L, Omg/L), for Iron (0mg/L), 0mg/L, Omg/1, for turbidity
(3.2NTU, 3.0, 2.9 NTU, Total Coliform bacteria and facael coliform bateria arc
(2.5, 2.2. 2.0 CFU/ml) and (2.7, 2.3, 2.1 CFU/mL Respectively. The values recorded
from the filtered water con formed with the World Health Organization / Federal
Ministry of Environment (WHO/FMENV) standard with slight variation in faecal
coliform bacterial recorded as 2.7, 2.3 and 2.1 NTU respectively). From the
null hypothesis the coefficient of rank correlation values are - 1.69, - l .87
and -2.0 I for filters A, B, and C respectively and percent coefficient
correlation are -169%, - 187% and -201%. This shows a negative correlation
between the two water values. So there is great in similarity between the raw
water , and the filtered water. The coefficient of correlation value varies
between + J and -I, while correlation value falls within the standard range. We
therefore accept Ha and reject Ho, stating that the two water samples are not
correlated. The candle stick filter C has the highest efficiency of 70.0% for
turbidity and total coliform bacteria and thus it is safe. readily affordable
with less risk and so recommended for rural usage.
LBE, O (2024). Design And Construction Of A Candlestick (Lowcost) Water Filtration Model For Household (Rural Dwellers) Use:- lbe Ndukwo O. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/design-and-construction-of-a-candlestick-lowcost-water-filtration-model-for-household-rural-dwellers-use-lbe-ndukwo-o-7-2
OTISI, LBE. "Design And Construction Of A Candlestick (Lowcost) Water Filtration Model For Household (Rural Dwellers) Use:- lbe Ndukwo O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 09 Aug. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/design-and-construction-of-a-candlestick-lowcost-water-filtration-model-for-household-rural-dwellers-use-lbe-ndukwo-o-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
OTISI, LBE. "Design And Construction Of A Candlestick (Lowcost) Water Filtration Model For Household (Rural Dwellers) Use:- lbe Ndukwo O". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 09 Aug. 2024. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/design-and-construction-of-a-candlestick-lowcost-water-filtration-model-for-household-rural-dwellers-use-lbe-ndukwo-o-7-2 >.
OTISI, LBE. "Design And Construction Of A Candlestick (Lowcost) Water Filtration Model For Household (Rural Dwellers) Use:- lbe Ndukwo O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/design-and-construction-of-a-candlestick-lowcost-water-filtration-model-for-household-rural-dwellers-use-lbe-ndukwo-o-7-2