Competencies Needed By Home Economics Undergraduates For Self-Employment In Tie And Dye Production In Lagos And Ogun States, Nigeria

IDOWU | 150 pages (38245 words) | Theses
Agricultural Education | Co Authors: SAMSON ADESHOLA


The study investigated the Competencies Needed by Home Economics undergraduates for self-employment in Tie and Dye (Adire) production in Lagos and Ogun State. Eight research questions were developed and answered. Eight null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significant. The population of the study comprised (268) Two hundred and sixty-eight respondents comprising (111) One hundred and eleven Academic staff in Home Economics, and (157) One hundred and fifty-seven registered professional dyers drawn from both Lagos and Ogun States. Due to the manageable size of the population, the entire (268) Two hundred and sixty-eight respondents constituted the respondents. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled Competencies Needed by Home Economics undergraduates for Self-Employment in Tie and Dye production questionnaire (CNHESETDP). The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three experts; two specialists from Home Economics and one from Measurement and Evaluation, all from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The reliability of CNHESETDP was determined using the Cronbach Alpha reliability method which yielded a coefficient of 0.89. The researcher and research assistants administered the instruments to the respondents. The data collected through the administration of the instruments were analyzed using mean and standard deviation and a T-test was used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that considerations of the type of event/occasion yardage of fabrics enhance creativity while creating designs for tie and dye production. Uses of culturally inclined motifs enhance the designs. Also, the avoidance of bulks when folding fabrics enhances and improves dyes absorption, and introductions of freelance designs like marbling, and knotting creates a sense of multiple designs in the tie and dyed fabrics. Strong tying with raffia or twine restricted dyes from penetrating the tied area. Furthermore, it was revealed that knowledge of colours made available varieties of colour combinations which made tie and dyed fabrics more attractive and marketable. The study also revealed that proper preparations of dyes and chemicals have a role to play in the outcome of dyeing. It was also revealed that through the addition of finishing additives, tie and dyed fabric's surface quality could compete well with other foreign fabrics. There was no significant difference in the mean responses of lecturers of Home Economics and Professional dyers on the skills and competencies in designing, folding, tying, colour combinations, dyeing, finishing, marketing, and the interactive effects of all the skills. Based on findings, it was recommended among others that creativity plays a major role in tie and dyed fabrics productions therefore cultural motifs should be encouraged to tell stories of African cultures and values. Freelance designs like marbling and knotting should be intensified for good designs. 


Title page                                                                                                                    i   

Declaration                                                                                                                  iii

Certification                                                                                                                iv

Dedication                                                                                                                  v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi 

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

List of Figures                                                                                                             x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                         

1.1       Background to the study                                                                                1

1.2       Statement of problem                                                                                     6

1.3       Purpose of the study                                                                                       8

1.4       Research questions                                                                                          9

1.5       Research hypotheses                                                                                       10

1.6       Significance of the study                                                                                11

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                                          14


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                               15

2.1.1    Competencies needed by home economics                                                    16

2.1.2    Home economics education                                                                            17

2.2       Concept of tie and dye (adire)                                                                        23

2.3       Concept of competency and skills                                                                  40

2.3.1    Competency                                                                                                    40

2.3.2    Skill                                                                                                                 42

2.3.3    Employability skills                                                                                        43

2.4       competencies needed by home economics graduates for

self-employment in tie and dye                                                                      44

2.5       Employment and self-employment                                                                 46

2.6       Theoretical framework                                                                                 50

2.6.1    Skill mastery theory                                                                                        50

2.6.2    Theory of skill acquisition                                                                               51

2.6.3    Competency theory                                                                                         55

2.7       Empirical studies                                                                                           57

2.8       Summary of reviewed of related literature                                                     70


3.1       Design of the study                                                                                        72

3.2       Area of the study                                                                                            72

3.3       Population for the study                                                                                 73

3.4       Sampling technique                                                                                         74

3.5       Instrument for data collection                                                                        74

3.6       Validity of instrument                                                                                    75

3.7       Reliability of instrument                                                                                 75

3.8       Method of data collection                                                                              76

3.9       Method of data analysis                                                                                 76


4.1       Results of descriptive analysis                                                                        77

4.2       Testing of hypotheses                                                                                     91

4.3       Summary of the findings                                                                                98

4.4       Discussion of findings                                                                                    102


5.1       Re-statement of the problem                                                                          116

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      120

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          121

5.4       Educational implications of the study                                                            122

5.5       Limitations of the study                                                                                 124

5.6       Suggestions for further studies                                                                       124


REFERENCE                                                                                                           125

APPENDIX                                                                                                               133



2.2       The structure of the Model of self-employment factors                                 49

4.1       Mean Responses of the Respondent responses on the Skills                          Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics in Designing                                   Tie & Dye (Adire) Production.                                                                       77

4.2       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                          Dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home                                Economics in Folding for Production of Tie & Dye (Adire)                                    79

4.3       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                        Dyers on the Skills Needed by undergraduates of Home                                Economics in Tying for Production of Tie & Dye (Adire)                                    81

4.4       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                       Dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics                         in Colour Combination for Production of Tie and Dye (Adire)                 82

4.5       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                Dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics                            in Dyeing Tie and Dye (Adire)                                                                    84

4.6       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                         Dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics                          in Finishing of Produced Tie and Dye (Adire)                                         86

4.7       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                         Dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics                           in Marketing of Produced Tie & Dye (Adire)                                                     88

4.8       Mean Responses of Home Economics Lecturers and Professional                           Dyers on the Interactive Effects of Skills and Competencies on                            Tie and Dye Fabrics Design                                                                                  90

4.9       T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                         and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of                          Home Economics in Designing Tie & Dye (Adire) Production.                 91

4.10:    T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                      and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics in Folding for Production of Tie & Dye (Adire) Production      92

4.11     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                     and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of Home Economics in Tying for Production of Tie & Dye (Adire) Production.     93

4.12     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                     and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of                         Home Economics in Colour Combination in the Production of                         Tie & Dye (Adire)                                                                                            94

4.13     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                    and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of                         Home Economics in Dyeing Tie & Dye (Adire)                                       95

4.14     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                           and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of                        Home Economics in Finishing of Produced Tie & Dye (Adire)                 96

4.15     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                     and professional dyers on the Skills Needed by Undergraduates of                        Home Economics in Marketing of Produced Tie & Dye (Adire)                 96

4.16     T-Test Analysis of the Mean Responses of Home Economics lecturers                    and professional dyers on Interactive Effects of Skills and Competencies              on Tie and Dye Fabrics Design                                                                  97



1:         Competencies Needed by Home Economics Undergraduates for                    Self-Employment in Tie and Dye for Wealth Creation  Model        15

2.         Single Bond and Technique Motif                                                     27

3.         Double Bond and Technique Motif                                                    28

4.         Cross Bond Technique and Motif                                                      27

5:         Binding Methods                                                                                32

6:         Spot Technique                                                                                   33

7:         Cycle Technique                                                                                 34

8:         Square Technique                                                                                34

9:         Pleated Oval Technique                                                                      35

10:       Marbling Technique                                                                            35

11:       Lines of Stripes Technique                                                                 36

12:       Ruching Technique                                                                             36

13:       Little Box Technique                                                                          37

14:       Lattice Technique                                                                               37

15:       Knotting Technique                                                                            38

16:       Rope/tritik Technique                                                                         39

17:       Over Stitching Technique                                                                   39


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IDOWU, I (2023). Competencies Needed By Home Economics Undergraduates For Self-Employment In Tie And Dye Production In Lagos And Ogun States, Nigeria. Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from

MLA 8th

IDOWU, IDOWU. "Competencies Needed By Home Economics Undergraduates For Self-Employment In Tie And Dye Production In Lagos And Ogun States, Nigeria", 19 Jul. 2023, Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.


IDOWU, IDOWU. "Competencies Needed By Home Economics Undergraduates For Self-Employment In Tie And Dye Production In Lagos And Ogun States, Nigeria".,, 19 Jul. 2023. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < >.


IDOWU, IDOWU. "Competencies Needed By Home Economics Undergraduates For Self-Employment In Tie And Dye Production In Lagos And Ogun States, Nigeria" (2023). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.

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