Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a regulating process which measures a product performance. This study uses this powerful approach of SPC to assess the factors which affect the fill...
This study geared to fit a probability distribution and regression model on the length of stay of patients in the hospital using Michael Okpara llniver.\ity of Agriculture as a case...
The desire to carry out this research work was motivated by the rate of high inferior or substandard products in our nation. The aim of this research work is to reduce or possibly...
The major objectives of this work is to construct a control chart for assessment rd control of quality characteristics of IBA (Truck soap) which is relevant in lesigning measures aimed at...
The percentage of Joss that may arise from not monitoring what happens during production or not managing it can destroy a firm. Since the major essence of establishing a business is...
The objective of this work is to statistically analyze the factors affecting academic performance on gender; a case study of 18 secondary schools in Umuahia. The research work was carried...
This study examined the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and some selected macroeconomic variables (Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), inflation rate, Government...
The research examines the relationship between Gross Domestic Product per capita and active working population, total population and unemployment rate in Nigeria from 2005-2013. The...
We explored the evaluation of line integrals of scalar and vector fields using direct method. We also evaluated line integrals using Green's Theorem. In this process, we discovered...
This work deals on Regression analysis of the effects of Narrow money on inflation. The major objective is to determine the suitable model, explaining the relationship between inflation...
This·project work applied sex ratio for the estimation of average sex ratio at death and population. projection model was also employed to forecast the population of Abia State by- L.G.A....
This work discussed the levels, trend and differentials of maternal mortality in Nigeria using the reported measures from NDHS, 2008 and UNICEF for the years 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2008...
The study· examined the queuing problem at Ecobank Umudike Branch in order to determine the queuing system that will help Ecobank reduce the waiting time of customers and improve...
This research work looked at the relationship that exist between JAMB Sores, Age, Sex and Students Academic Performance which was considered s 4 using CGPA. The statistical tool used was...
This work is geared towards examining the measured quality charateristics of Nigerian Breweries Star product, hence to construct control charts that could be used to study the production...
This work examines the interactions between money, consumers prices and commodity prices at a community level from 2008- April 2011, it also examines the behavior of consumer price index...
Eigenuvalues serve a lot of purpose in problems of physical and else where .In this project works, our main aim is to give a concise explanation of eigenvalues and then review different...
This project is centred on Permutation groups with basic definitions .. and preliminary result revit·ws in chapter one. However, chapter tvzo and three give a survey of permutation,groups...
This research work centers on the hiring and training of stewardesses problem encountered by the Nigerian airways for a period of six months, The problem was carefully studied and...
In this project work on residue theorem and its application to contour integration, is shown how residue theorem can be applied to various fields of contour integration. A specific...
Linear programming, an operational research tool is widely used in finding solutions to complex managerial decisions. This research work applies the concept of simplex method an aspect of...
The world is moving into a global economy where telecommunication is playing a major role, hence increasing the need for researchers and economist to monitor the impact of...
This project is designed to give an insight into the application of statistical quality control in the building products industries in order to help manufacturers understand the...
Rainfall temperature and Relative humidity data for 6 years (2004-2009) For Umudike in Umuahia Abia State were used in the Analysis in order to detect the recent trend in the components...
This study examined the application of queuing theory in the banking sector in Access Bank Plc, Uyo Branch. This research work was carried out with objective of the study, which aim an...