Agric Business and Financial Management

Consumer Brand Preference For Vegetable Oil And Its Determinants In Anambra State, Nigeria


The study examined the Consumer Brand Preference for Vegetable Oil and Its Determinants in

Anambra State, Nigeria. Specifically, it analyzed the socio-economic profile of the respondents;


68 pages (13896 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Impact Of Trade Unionism On Organization Growth (A Study Of 7up Bottling Company Plc, Aba)


The aim of this study is to examine the impact of trade unionism on

organizational growth. We identify problems inherent with the Seven-Up

Bottling Company plc Aba, Abia State, Nigeria. Also,...

65 pages (10753 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Comparative Assessment Of Modern Bee Keeping And Traditional Bee Keeping Methods (A Study Of Ikwuano LGA Of Abia State)


The comparative assessment of modern and traditional method of

beekeeping was carried out in Ikwuano local government in Abia

state. The aim of the study was to compare the cost and return of...

61 pages (7614 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Personnel Management On Employees Performance Among Selected Small Scale Beverage Firms In Aba, Abia State


We consider personal management factors that affect both the manger and

employees of a firm. These factors are the reflection of the personal practices on

the workers of the firms. Aba which...

69 pages (10774 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Role Of Personnel Management Improving Employee Performance (A Study Of Uvuoma Micro-Finance Bank, Olokoro. Umuahia)


Every organization whether large or small has its own problems, they cannot exist

without both human and physical resources. These resources require the

manipulation of human beings in other...

67 pages (12865 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Comparative Analyses Of Modern Beekeeping And Traditional Beekeeping In Abia State Nigeria


The research work was carried out on comparative analysis of modern

beekeeping and traditional beekeeping in Abia State. The study examined

modern and traditional bee-farming in the area as...

75 pages (12354 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Analysis Of Income And Expenditure Among Sweet Potato Farmers In Ikwuano Local Government Area Abia State, Nigeria


This study considered the analyses of income and expenditure

among sweet potato farmers in lkwuano Local Government Area

of Abia State, Nigeria. This study is relevant because it will


66 pages (8321 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Motivation In The Achievement Of Corporate Goal: A Case Study Of Abia State Housing Corporation, Umuahia.


This study is designed to find out the effectiveness of motivation in the

achievement of corporate goals in the public corporations. It went on to

review various motivation theories and...

75 pages (8174 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Empirical Analysis Of Yam Marketing In Anambra State Of Nigeria


This research investigated empirically yam marketing in the Agricultural

zones of Anambra State. Marketing efficiency was determined using the

multiple-regression analysis, while descriptive...

65 pages (12735 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Role Of Personnel Management In Improving Employees Morale


Every organization whether large or small has its own problems, they

cannot exist without both human and physical resources. These resources

require the manipulation of human beings in other...

83 pages (14364 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Impact Of Financial Incentives On The Productivity Of Workers In Organizations (Study Of Uni-Lever P.L.C)


Motivation depict urges, aspirations, drives and needs of

individual which tend to direct, control and describe particular

behaviour of an individual or group of individuals. A question


86 pages (13053 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Effect Of Motivation On Employee Performance: A Study Of Selected Agribusiness Firms In Abia State


The study examined the Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance: A

Study of Selected Agribusiness Firms in Abia State, Nigeria. Specifically, it

analyzed the socio-economic profile of the...

56 pages (13060 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Savings And Investment Pattern Of Agribusiness Cooperative Firm Operators In Abia State.


The study examiued the patterns of savings and investiiien( among one hundred and twenty

aribusiness producinr Pirin 11 mi operators in Abia state. 'Fhe agribusiness Ii,iriii firms in the


71 pages (12199 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Risk Analysis Anti Control In Banks Credit Portfolio Management (A Study Of Some Selected Banks In Abia State Nigeria)


Banking business is mainly business of iritermediaUon. Banks act as

intermediaries while carrying out the financial i;isaction arising at

improving the financial business of the economy. Ei\...

64 pages (11087 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Determinants Of Savings Among Rural Farm Household A Study Of Ehime Mbano Lga Of Imo State


This study examined the determinants of Savings among Rural Farm Households

in Ehime Mbano LGA. Of Imo State. It considered the socio-economics factors

influencing the level of savings by...

60 pages (9894 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

The Role Of Insurance Industry In The Development Of Nigerian Economy (A Case Study Of Nicon)


The focus of this study has been to critical examine the role of

insurance industry in the development of Nigerian Economy by

specifically tracing the origin and growth of insurance in...

102 pages (14703 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Analysis Of Government Lending To Agriculture In Nigeria (1991-2006)


This work analyzed empirically government lending to agriculture in

Nigeria between the pre-reform and economic reform eras (1991-

2006).Chapter One of this work, gives a background of...

64 pages (9724 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Analysis Of Food Security Status Among Rural Communities In Ikwuano Local Government Area Of Abia State, Nigeria


The study analyzed the food security status among rural communities n

Ahia state, Nigeria. It sought specifically to determine the socio-economic

characteristics of the households; determine...

61 pages (9218 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Socioeconomic Impact Of Oil Production On Cassava Production In Delta State, Nigeria


Environmental degradation of the Oil-rich Niger Delta has been Wanton and

continuous with direct health and economic consequences for its people for over

three decades. Using a sample of 120...

53 pages (8930 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Factors Affecting Manpower Development And Agribusiness Productivity In Abia State


The overall objective of this study is on factors affecting manpower development

and agribusiness productivity. The study used well structured uestionnaire for the

analysis. 72 respondents...

62 pages (11172 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Determinants Of Employment And Income Among Agribusiness Households In Abia State, Nigeria


The study examined the determinants of employment and income among

one hundred and twenty agiibusincss households in Abia State. The

agribusiness households in the state as noted operates in...

72 pages (11341 words) · Projects · 3 years ago



Local governments in Nigeria are established for political administrative and service provision purpose. In this work we look at how government funds are being managed and controlled at...

85 pages (13534 words) · Theses · 4 years ago
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