study determined the Sensory Evaluation and Functional properties of gruel made
from Guinea corn, soybean, ligernut, almond nut, date palm. The study made use
of experimental research design. Raw material that was used for this study
include guinea corn, soybean, tigernut, almond nut and date palm and corn were
all purchased from Ndoro Market. Chemicals and equipment that was used for the
analysis were obtained from the biotechnology laboratory of National Root Crop
Research Institute (NRCRI). The multi-ingredients were processed with
substitution ratios of 30:25:20:15:10, 25:10:30:20:15, 10:30:15:25:20,
20:15:25:10:30, 15:20:10:30:25 and corn (ogi) which served as control was
70:0:0:30:0 and labelled as sample 101,102,103,104,105 and 106. Sensory
attributes of colour, aroma, flavor, taste, mouth feel, texture and overall
acceptability was evaluated on a 9point scale. The data obtained from all the
experiments were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) while treatment
means was separated using Duncan multiple range test at 95% confidence level (p
< 0.05). The results from the sensory evaluation of the gruel showed that
sample 105 had the highest values for colour (8.15a±0.88), aroma (7.65a±1.31),
flavor (7.90a±0.97), taste (7.95a±1.36), mouth feci (7.65a±1.23), texture (7.70a±1.08)
and general acceptability (7.83ai0.83). Results for the functional properties
revealed that sample 106 (control) was higher in WAC, SI and GT while sample
105 was higher in BD. The total cost required for purchasing and milling of the
food product was N3200 as compared to corn, N3300 indicating affordability
ofthe newly formulated gruel. From the study, it can be deduced that gruel
developed from Guinea corn, soybean, tigernut, almond nut and date palm
provides a close substitute to ogi which provides an affordable, nutritious and
appealing breakfast option for the family. The study recommends that there is
need to introduce a blend of different food samples as alternative sources of
nutrients in the making of gruel so as to improve the nutrient content.
-- (2024). Sensory Evaluation And Functional Properties Of Gruel Made From Guinea Corn, Soybean, Tigernut, Almond And Date Fruit For Family Breakfast:- Akor Jennifer . Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/sensory-evaluation-and-functional-properties-of-gruel-made-from-guinea-corn-soybean-tigernut-almond-and-date-fruit-for-family-breakfast-akor-jennifer-7-2
--. "Sensory Evaluation And Functional Properties Of Gruel Made From Guinea Corn, Soybean, Tigernut, Almond And Date Fruit For Family Breakfast:- Akor Jennifer " Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 25 Nov. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/sensory-evaluation-and-functional-properties-of-gruel-made-from-guinea-corn-soybean-tigernut-almond-and-date-fruit-for-family-breakfast-akor-jennifer-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
--. "Sensory Evaluation And Functional Properties Of Gruel Made From Guinea Corn, Soybean, Tigernut, Almond And Date Fruit For Family Breakfast:- Akor Jennifer ". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 25 Nov. 2024. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/sensory-evaluation-and-functional-properties-of-gruel-made-from-guinea-corn-soybean-tigernut-almond-and-date-fruit-for-family-breakfast-akor-jennifer-7-2 >.
--. "Sensory Evaluation And Functional Properties Of Gruel Made From Guinea Corn, Soybean, Tigernut, Almond And Date Fruit For Family Breakfast:- Akor Jennifer " Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/sensory-evaluation-and-functional-properties-of-gruel-made-from-guinea-corn-soybean-tigernut-almond-and-date-fruit-for-family-breakfast-akor-jennifer-7-2