This study was aimed at the production and
sensory evaluation ofjam produced from three indigenousfruits namely jackfruit,
plum and sour sop. Experimental research design was used for this study.
Sensory evaluations of the mouth feel, flavor (aroma), taste and color
(appearance) Was carried out using 20 panelists of undergraduate students
ofMichael Okpara University ofAgriculture, Umudike. Data from sensory
evaluation was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), the means was
separated by Duncan multiple,range test using IBM (SPSS version 20).
Significance was accepted at p<0.l)5. The result revealed score for colour
for the jams rangedfrom 4.60 6.15 with sour sop pulp jam recording the highest
score while the jack fruit pulp jam (4.60+1.57) recorded the lowest score for
color While no difference was observed in the score for taste ofsour sop and
plum pulpjam, the taste ofjackfruit pulpjam was similar to those ofthe
jackfruit, sour sop and plum pulp mixedjam. The consistency score ofthe jams
rangedfrom 4.2.0 - 5.65. The plumfruit pulp had significantly higher score
(5.65+1.14) than the rest of the jam samples. In terms of the mouth feel the
plum fruit <5.55±0.93> recorded the highest score for mouth feel while
the jack fruit jam scored the least. The acceptability ofthe sour sop. plum
pulp and control (mixed fruit jam) were similar. However, while the pulp fruit
pulp jam scored the highest the jack fruit, sour sop and plum pulp mixed jam
had the lowest score. Acceptable jams were produced from the fruits. In
conclusion, the jams produced were acceptable in all organoleptic properties.
The inclusion ofjack fruit was observed to influence the properties of the jams
produced, this is true as findings from this study revealed a lower
organoleptic scoresforjackfruitjam and the jackfruit included mixedfruitjam
with regards to the other jam samples. The plum fruit pulp jam was 'the best in
terms of the organoleptic properties, this was because it was observed to score
highest in all organoleptic properties and in genera! acceptability The study
recommendations further research in the area of jam production from
indigenousfruits to reduce post- harvest losses and make nutrient available all
year round. Also further research into the improvement of the organoleptic
characteristics oj indigenousfruit jams and research into the enrichment and
possible fortification of indigenous fruitjam.
ONYEKWERE, O (2024). Production And Sensory Evaluation Of Jam Produced From Three Indigenous Fruits Jack Fruits, Plum And Sour Sop:- Onyekwere Happiness O. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 25, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/production-and-sensory-evaluation-of-jam-produced-from-three-indigenous-fruits-jack-fruits-plum-and-sour-sop-onyekwere-happiness-o-7-2
OBIOMA, ONYEKWERE. "Production And Sensory Evaluation Of Jam Produced From Three Indigenous Fruits Jack Fruits, Plum And Sour Sop:- Onyekwere Happiness O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 Dec. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/production-and-sensory-evaluation-of-jam-produced-from-three-indigenous-fruits-jack-fruits-plum-and-sour-sop-onyekwere-happiness-o-7-2. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025.
OBIOMA, ONYEKWERE. "Production And Sensory Evaluation Of Jam Produced From Three Indigenous Fruits Jack Fruits, Plum And Sour Sop:- Onyekwere Happiness O". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 Dec. 2024. Web. 25 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/production-and-sensory-evaluation-of-jam-produced-from-three-indigenous-fruits-jack-fruits-plum-and-sour-sop-onyekwere-happiness-o-7-2 >.
OBIOMA, ONYEKWERE. "Production And Sensory Evaluation Of Jam Produced From Three Indigenous Fruits Jack Fruits, Plum And Sour Sop:- Onyekwere Happiness O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 25 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/production-and-sensory-evaluation-of-jam-produced-from-three-indigenous-fruits-jack-fruits-plum-and-sour-sop-onyekwere-happiness-o-7-2