Studies were carried out to
evaluate the changes that occur in the ecosystem of Owaza as a result of oil
spillage from pipeline. Four different sites were selected the heavily spilled
area, moderately spilled area, the lightly spilled area and the fourth area was
at non spilled area which serves as the controlled experiment In each of these
areas 100 x 100m was demarcated and a 100m transect was divided into plots of
10 x 10m and four were selected at random from each block for detail study.
Soil samples were collected and taken to the laboratory for airdrying processing
and analysis by standard methods. Water samples were collected and analyzed.
The result obtained showed that the amount of mineral composition released to
the soil was within the acceptable limit, established for mineral - soil
environment (World Health Organizion 1984 and Federal Environmental Protection
Agency 1988). The result of analysis of variance for mineral elements (copper,
chromium and manganese) shows that their effect varied significantly with
location but did not vary with depth at (p>0.05), while the effect of other
mineral elements (iron, cadmium and vanadium) were not significant both at
location and depth. The percentage organic carbon and base salination were
high, exceeding the maximum tolerable limit of 20% and 80% respectively (World Health
Organizion 1984 and Federal Environmental Protection Agency 1988). The total
hydro carbon released into the soil was high with the mean (400mg/kg‘1). The pH
of both soil and water varied between 4.80 and 5.10 with a mean of 4.95 and 7.0
- 7.8 with a mean of 7.4 respectively. While the analysis of variance showed
that the effect of organic carbon, available phosphorous, exchangeable acidity,
sodium and nitrogen varied significantly with location but did not vary with
depth at (p>0.05). The effect of pH electrical conductivity and effective
cation exchange capacity are not significant both at location and the depth.
Total Hydrocarbon in the water sample ranged from 8.9 - 120mg/l with a mean
value of 64.45mg/l which is above the maximum tolerable limit of 10mg/l
indicating pollution, while the underground water analysis did not detect any
Total Hydrocarbon. The vegetation of the area showed yellow coloration and
withered while the grasses died because of the oil toxicity. It is recommended
that since bunkering is active in the Niger Delta region, adequate contingency
plans shall be made to cope with any accidental spills from companies. The
clearing of vegetation shall be kept to the barest minimum
UDOCHU, A (2023). Evaluation Of Changes That Occur In The Ecosystem Of Owaza As A Result Of Oil Spillage From Pipe Line. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Feb 13, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-changes-that-occur-in-the-ecosystem-of-owaza-as-a-result-of-oil-spillage-from-pipe-line-7-2
ANYA, UDOCHU. "Evaluation Of Changes That Occur In The Ecosystem Of Owaza As A Result Of Oil Spillage From Pipe Line" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 Oct. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-changes-that-occur-in-the-ecosystem-of-owaza-as-a-result-of-oil-spillage-from-pipe-line-7-2. Accessed 13 Feb. 2025.
ANYA, UDOCHU. "Evaluation Of Changes That Occur In The Ecosystem Of Owaza As A Result Of Oil Spillage From Pipe Line". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 Oct. 2023. Web. 13 Feb. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-changes-that-occur-in-the-ecosystem-of-owaza-as-a-result-of-oil-spillage-from-pipe-line-7-2 >.
ANYA, UDOCHU. "Evaluation Of Changes That Occur In The Ecosystem Of Owaza As A Result Of Oil Spillage From Pipe Line" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2023). Accessed 13 Feb. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/evaluation-of-changes-that-occur-in-the-ecosystem-of-owaza-as-a-result-of-oil-spillage-from-pipe-line-7-2