A study was carried out to detennine the nutritional value of white sorghum when it is used to replace yellow maize in the diets of broiler starters at different percentages such as...
An experiment was conduct to determine the true metabolizable energy (TME) value of fermented composite cassava meal (FCCM) using adult broilers birds. In the experiment there was one feed...
In two separate studies, the effect of feeding dried Poultry Waste (DPW) to .1 concentrate diets containing 0, 10, 20 and 30 percent DPW designated A, B, C, and D respectively. The major...
This study was conducted with 18 goats consisting of 9 Red Sokoto (RS) and 9 West African dwarf (WAD) goats of both sexes and aged between 5-7months, to evaluate body weight and linear...
Data from 363 kitten obtained over period of 9 months (June, 2002 - March, 2003) from the mating of ten bucks and forty -four breeding does consisting of thirty Dutch and fourteen...
Seven experiments were conducted with a total of 120 pigs to evaluate the nutritional value of palm kernel meal (PKM), brewers’ dried grain (BDG) and wheat offal (WO) using pigs in...
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the productive and economic performance of broiler chickens fed various plant protein sources in achagrain diet. One hundred and twenty (120)...
The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of supplementation of starter broiler diets with probiotics on the performance and feed cost of broilers. There were five...
An experiment was conducted to determine the response offinisher broiler chicken to enzyme supplemented diet. 180 birds were procured at day old and were brooded and raised for four weeks...
This study was conducted to determine the performance of broiler finisher fed fermented composite cassava meal. One hundred and twenty (120) broiler chickens of Anak breed were used. They...
This study was conducted to determine the effects ofginger (Zingiber officinale') and African nutmeg (Monodora myristica) mixed spices on the growth performance, carcass characteristics...
In this experiment, the effects of diets containing Monodora myristica on laying performance and egg quality characteristics of pullet chicks were investigated. One hundred and fifty...
Nutritional evaluation of the effect of Danish imported fishmeal, crayfish dust meal and shrimp waste meal as animal protein sources in broiler ration was carried out using 144-day-old...
A study was conducted to investigate the utilization of creep diets by West African Dwarflambs maintained in a humid tropical environment. Influence of creep diets on growth...
In this experiment, the effects of diets containing Monodora myristica on laying performance and egg quality characteristics of pullet chicks were investigated. One hundred and fifty...
An experiment was conducted using 16 weaner West African Dwarf (WAD) goats fed diets containing 15% raw, soaked, toasted and boiled pigeon pea seed meal. The study was carried out to...
This study was conducted to determine the effect of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and the beneficial inclusion level in broiler chicks coccidial infection. This study was carried out...
A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of high and low weight lines of F, backcross normal feather, naked neck and frizzle chicken in the humid tropics. Result revealed that HNL...
This project was carried out between the month of March and May 2006 with one hundred laying hens allocated to five treatments in a completely randomized experimental design. Each...
An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the different egg size from which birds are hatched have on their performances in terms of their growth traits and also to...
A four-week experiment was conducted with 108, five-week old Anak broilers to evaluate the effect of composite cassava meal on growth performance of broiler finisher birds. Six dietary...
The study investigated the effect of breed of sire on growth characteristics of exotic crossbred pigs in a humid tropical environment. Body weight and other body traits, namely body length...
A 56 day study was conducted to evaluate the performance and economies ofsingle and two-phase diets in broiler production. A total of 72 day-old chicks were used for this study in a...
A 2x6 factorial experiment in a Contpleteiy Randomizer- Block Design (CRD) with tMee replications was used to evaluate the effects of two pain, kernel residues (PKR),namely: (palm kernel...
In this study to determine general and specific combining ability, reciprocal effect and heterosis, three breeds of rabbits namely New Zealand White (NZW), Dutch (DT) and Chinchilla (CH)...