The effect of sesquioxides and carbon content on soil
structural stability was carried out on soil samples collected from four
plantation land use systems (cocoa, coconut, oil palm and rubber plantation) at
three depths (0-20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm) in Edo state. The study also assessed
the physicochemical properties of the study soils as well as the relationship
between sesquioxides, organic carbon and heavy metals content with depth. Spatial
variability of selected properties was assessed with the help of geostatistical
map tool and a 4x3 factorial analysis in RCBD was carried on the laboratory
data, while FLSD at 5% was used for separation of statistically significant
means. The relationships between selected soil properties were assessed by
simple linear correlation and multiple linear regression. The result shows that
the soils were generally sandy loam, there were no significant differences on
percent water stable aggregate (WSA) or mean weight diameter of aggregate for
the different land use systems studied. The oil palm land use recorded the
highest mean weight diameter of aggregate stability followed by cocoa and
rubber while the lowest value was observed in coconut land use but the highest
percent water stable aggregate was observed in rubber land use, (85.49%)
followed by coconut, (77.41%) oil palm, (76.48%) while the lowest value was
observed in cocoa, (74.68%) land use. Both aggregate stability index showed
increase with increased soil depth in the different land uses. Soil pH in H2O and KCl were highly
acidic, the value for pH in H2O ranged from 4.75-5.22 while in KCl
it ranged from 4.22-4.77, and both were significantly different at p<0.05. Organic
carbon was low and differed significantly at p<0.05 in the different land
uses, rubber plantation soil recorded the highest mean values of 1.76%, while
coconut plantation recorded the lowest mean values of 0.88%. Micronutrients (Fe,
Cu, Zn, Mn, and B) differed significantly at p<0.05 in the different land
uses and also with depth. Oxides of Al and Fe varied from 2.92%- 363% and 4.25%-9.75%
at 0-20cm soil depth for Al and Fe respectively. However, Al2O3
increased with increased soil depth, while Fe2O3 decreased
with increased soil depth except in oil palm land use at 40-60cm soil depth. The
Al2O3 and Fe2O3 had a positive
significant correlation at p<0.05 with Mg, copper and zinc, while other
parameters were not significantly different.
The study showed that sesquioxides and organic carbon had a positive
relationship with aggregate stability with coefficient of determination R2=0.35
in cocoa land use, while for coconut, oil palm and rubber plantation, Fe2O3
and organic carbon had a positive relationship with aggregate stability with
coefficient of determination R2=0.27, R2=0.44 and R2=0.52
respectively in the different land uses. This shows that organic carbon and
oxides of Fe contributed more to aggregate stability than oxides of Al. The Al2O3
and Fe2O3 affected the heavy metal content of the soil as
indicated by a high Al2O3 coefficient of determination (R2=0.73)
for coconut, R2=0.72 for oil palm and R2=0.64 for rubber
on the heavy metal while in cocoa land use, with low coefficient of
determination (R2=0.37). The Fe2O3 coefficient
of determination was R2=0.80 for cocoa, R2=0.95 for
coconut, R2=0.88 for oil palm and R2=0.69 for rubber land
use. The result on spatial variability as shown by the Arc- map indicated that,
the physicochemical properties vary highly in the different direction, in the
different land uses. Therefore, there is a need for precision agriculture in
these land uses in Edo State in order to reduce cost of input such as organic
and inorganic fertilizer to achieved maximum output.
INIKIO, E (2022). The Effect Of Sesquioxides And Organic Carbon Content On Soil Structural Stability In Different Plantation Land Use In Edo State. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-sesquioxides-and-organic-carbon-content-on-soil-structural-stability-in-different-plantation-land-use-in-edo-state-7-2
ELUWAN, INIKIO. "The Effect Of Sesquioxides And Organic Carbon Content On Soil Structural Stability In Different Plantation Land Use In Edo State" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-sesquioxides-and-organic-carbon-content-on-soil-structural-stability-in-different-plantation-land-use-in-edo-state-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
ELUWAN, INIKIO. "The Effect Of Sesquioxides And Organic Carbon Content On Soil Structural Stability In Different Plantation Land Use In Edo State". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-sesquioxides-and-organic-carbon-content-on-soil-structural-stability-in-different-plantation-land-use-in-edo-state-7-2 >.
ELUWAN, INIKIO. "The Effect Of Sesquioxides And Organic Carbon Content On Soil Structural Stability In Different Plantation Land Use In Edo State" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2022). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-sesquioxides-and-organic-carbon-content-on-soil-structural-stability-in-different-plantation-land-use-in-edo-state-7-2