This study
sought to explore the effect of Strategic Content Learning and Students’
Mathematics Task-Persistence, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Abia State. Six research
questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. The
sample for this study comprised 32 identified SS2 students with low achievement in
Mathematics (16 males and 16 females) which was drawn from two intact classes
in two secondary schools through multistage sampling technique from a total
population of 1114 (487 males and 627 females) students in Abia State in
2019/2020 academic session (States
Secondary Education Management Board, 2020). The study adopted a pre-test, post-test, control group experimental design. The
specific design for this study was a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group
design, with the experimental group adopting strategic content learning
strategy and the control
group using the conventional teaching method. The two schools were assigned to
the treatment and control conditions. Three instruments titled “Mathematics Task Persistence Questionnaire (MTPQ, Mathematics
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (MSEQ) and Mathematics Achievement Tests (MAT)” were
by the researcher for the study. The instruments were validated by three
experts, one specialists in
Mathematics, one in Psychology and one expert in Measurement and Evaluation. Cronbach alpha procedure was used to determine the
internal consistency of the MTPQ and MSEQ. Reliability estimates obtained were
0.86 and .87 for MTPQ and MSEQ respectively. Kudar-Richardson was used
to determine the reliability of Mathematics
Achievement Test (MAT) and reliability index of 0.79 was obtained. Data
obtained through the administration of the MTPQ, MSEQ and MAT by the regular mathematics teachers who served as the
research assistants, were organized and analyzed using mean scores, standard
deviation and 2 x 2 analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The study revealed the
following findings: Intervention using strategic content learning strategy
significantly improved students’ mathematics task-persistence, self-efficacy
and achievement of students; Gender as a factor in the study had no significant
influence on the mathematics task-persistence, self-efficacy and achievement of
students. Among the educational implications of the findings of the study was
that Mathematics task persistence self-efficacy and achievement of low
achieving students depend on exposure to strategic content learning strategy. It was thus recommended that teachers
should be taught how to help students acquire skills required in the use of strategic
content learning strategy.
CHINEMEREM, A (2024). Strategic Content Learning and Students’ Mathematics Task-Persistence, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Abia State:- Nwaogu, Chinemerem A. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/strategic-content-learning-and-students-mathematics-task-persistence-self-efficacy-and-achievement-in-senior-secondary-schools-in-abia-state-nwaogu-chinemerem-a-7-2
AMAECHI, CHINEMEREM. "Strategic Content Learning and Students’ Mathematics Task-Persistence, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Abia State:- Nwaogu, Chinemerem A" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 May. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/strategic-content-learning-and-students-mathematics-task-persistence-self-efficacy-and-achievement-in-senior-secondary-schools-in-abia-state-nwaogu-chinemerem-a-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
AMAECHI, CHINEMEREM. "Strategic Content Learning and Students’ Mathematics Task-Persistence, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Abia State:- Nwaogu, Chinemerem A". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 May. 2024. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/strategic-content-learning-and-students-mathematics-task-persistence-self-efficacy-and-achievement-in-senior-secondary-schools-in-abia-state-nwaogu-chinemerem-a-7-2 >.
AMAECHI, CHINEMEREM. "Strategic Content Learning and Students’ Mathematics Task-Persistence, Self-Efficacy and Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Abia State:- Nwaogu, Chinemerem A" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/strategic-content-learning-and-students-mathematics-task-persistence-self-efficacy-and-achievement-in-senior-secondary-schools-in-abia-state-nwaogu-chinemerem-a-7-2