study examined influence of principals’ leadership style on teachers’
effectiveness in Umuahia education zone of Abia state. Descriptive survey
design was used for the study. The area ofthe study is Abia state. Four
research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. A sample size of 432
respondents comprising 420 teachers and 12 principals in public secondary
schools in Umuahia education zone of Abia state were drawn through the use of
simple random sampling technique from a target population of 3072. A 4-point
rating scale questionnaire titled Principals Leadership Styles and Teachers’ Effectiveness
Questionnaire (PLSTEQ) with face validity ascertained by three experts from;
Measurement and Evaluation, Education Administration and Planning and Education
Curriculum Studies in the college of Education in Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture Umudike and a reliability coefficient of 0.94 was obtained through
Pearson Product Moment Coefficient (PPMC). The 432 copies of questionnaires
were administered with the help of two research assistants. Research questions
were answered using mean ratings and standard deviations, while the hypotheses
were tested using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance.
The result of the findings revealed that democratic leadership style of
principals influences teachers’ effectiveness positively in Umuahia education
zone of Abia state, that visionary leadership style of principals influences
teachers’ effectiveness significantly in Umuahia education zone of Abia state,
that autocratic leadership style of principals do not influence teachers’ effectiveness
in secondary schools in Umuahia education zone ofAbia state, that laisez-fair
leadership style ofprincipals do not influence teachers’ effectiveness in
Secondary Schools in Umuahia education zone of Abia state. Based on the
findings, recommendations were made on the influence of principals’ leadership
style on teachers’ effectiveness in Umuahia education zone of Abia state.
Principals should learn to be visionary democratic leaders who work with
imagination and insight and project into the future in the creation oftheir
specific and achievable goals. This will enable them to guide their teachers
effectively towards the achievement of those goals.Educational administrators
should always be role models. They are to set examples through their actions
for their followers to emulate. This will make the teachers under them to work
cordially and hard too.
EKE, E (2024). Influence Of Principals’ Leadership Styles On Teachers’ Effectiveness In Umuahia North L.G.A Of Abia State, Nigeria:- Eke, Kalu E. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/influence-of-principals-leadership-styles-on-teachers-effectiveness-in-umuahia-north-lga-of-abia-state-nigeria-eke-kalu-e-7-2
EKE, EKE. "Influence Of Principals’ Leadership Styles On Teachers’ Effectiveness In Umuahia North L.G.A Of Abia State, Nigeria:- Eke, Kalu E" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 14 Aug. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/influence-of-principals-leadership-styles-on-teachers-effectiveness-in-umuahia-north-lga-of-abia-state-nigeria-eke-kalu-e-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
EKE, EKE. "Influence Of Principals’ Leadership Styles On Teachers’ Effectiveness In Umuahia North L.G.A Of Abia State, Nigeria:- Eke, Kalu E". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 14 Aug. 2024. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/influence-of-principals-leadership-styles-on-teachers-effectiveness-in-umuahia-north-lga-of-abia-state-nigeria-eke-kalu-e-7-2 >.
EKE, EKE. "Influence Of Principals’ Leadership Styles On Teachers’ Effectiveness In Umuahia North L.G.A Of Abia State, Nigeria:- Eke, Kalu E" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/influence-of-principals-leadership-styles-on-teachers-effectiveness-in-umuahia-north-lga-of-abia-state-nigeria-eke-kalu-e-7-2