study investigated ‘Budget Preparation and Implementation as Correlates of Principals
Job Performance in Unity Schools in South South Nigeria’. The design of the
study is correlational research design. Eight research questions and eight
hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 2,557 made up of
102 principals, and 1690 teaching and 765 non-teaching staff in unity schools
in south South Nigeria. The sample size was 1,726 respondents made up of 64
principals, 1116 teaching and 546 non-teaching staff from Rivers, Bayelsa,
Delta, Edo, Akwa Ibom and Cross Rivers State respectively. The study adopted
simple random and purposive sampling technique respectively. A 35-items
structured questionnaire titled ‘Budget Preparation and Implementation
Questionnaire’ (BPIQ), Principals Job Performance (PJP) and 10 items structured
check list titled Check list of School Accounts Books (CSB) was used for data
collection. The instrument was validated by three (3) experts. The internal
consistency of the instruments was determined using Cronbach Alpha which
yielded a coefficient of 0.84 and 0.81 for BPIQ and PJPQ. While the stability
of the instruments was determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Coefficient which also yielded a coefficient of 0.82 and 0.79 for BPIQ and PJPQ
respectively. Research questions were answered with Pearson Product Moment
Correlation while the hypotheses were tested with linear regression statistical
tool at 0.05 significant levels. The study revealed among others that budget
preparation steps relates to principals
job performance in unity schools, classification of educational needs
during budget preparation relates to principals job performance in unity
schools, budget standardization during budget preparation relates to principals
job performance in the unity schools, assessment of budget process during
budget preparation relates to principals job performance in unity schools, use
of school accounts books during budget preparation relates to principals job
performance in unity schools relates to principals job performance in unity
schools in South-South Nigeria. The researcher therefore concluded that budget
preparation and implementation is a function of the principals having a clear
understanding of the part they are expected to play in ensuring proper
budgeting in other to achieve optimal job performance in unity schools. The
recommendations was that principals should have a clear understanding of
various budget preparation steps for optimal and adequate budgeting,
educational needs should adequately be identified and classified during budget
preparation for effective budgeting, guideline provided by the budget office of
the ministry should be strictly followed to ensure standardization of budget
preparation, principals should have a clear understanding of various budget
implementation steps and strategies to enhance adequate budget implementation,
principals in conjunction with the budget office of the ministry should carry
out yearly appraisal of the budget to ensure that all indices captured during
budget preparation are adequately and effectively implemented among others.
JOSIAH, J (2024). Budget Preparation and Implementation as Correlates of Principals Job Performance in Unity Schools in South- South, Nigeria, Josiah, Udoka U. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/budget-preparation-and-implementation-as-correlates-of-principals-job-performance-in-unity-schools-in-south-south-nigeria-josiah-udoka-u-7-2
JOSIAH, JOSIAH. "Budget Preparation and Implementation as Correlates of Principals Job Performance in Unity Schools in South- South, Nigeria, Josiah, Udoka U" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 May. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/budget-preparation-and-implementation-as-correlates-of-principals-job-performance-in-unity-schools-in-south-south-nigeria-josiah-udoka-u-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
JOSIAH, JOSIAH. "Budget Preparation and Implementation as Correlates of Principals Job Performance in Unity Schools in South- South, Nigeria, Josiah, Udoka U". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 02 May. 2024. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/budget-preparation-and-implementation-as-correlates-of-principals-job-performance-in-unity-schools-in-south-south-nigeria-josiah-udoka-u-7-2 >.
JOSIAH, JOSIAH. "Budget Preparation and Implementation as Correlates of Principals Job Performance in Unity Schools in South- South, Nigeria, Josiah, Udoka U" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/budget-preparation-and-implementation-as-correlates-of-principals-job-performance-in-unity-schools-in-south-south-nigeria-josiah-udoka-u-7-2