This research workwas intended to investigate
the strategiesfor enhancing effective utilization ofInformation
andCommunication Technologies (ICTs) by students in the fivefederal university
libraries inNorth-CentralZone ofNigeria. This is with aims of ascertaining
their level ofICT skills, problems and strategies for improvement. Descriptive
survey design was employedfor the study with a population of113,329 students
outwhich sample sizeof150students wasselectedusingpurposive sampling technique.
The instrument usedfor data collection was questionnaire. Out ofthe 150 copies
ofthe questionnaire distributedto the respondents, 140 copies werefilledand
returned representing 93.33% ofthe copies ofquestionnaire distributed. To
analyze the data the following descriptive statistical measures were employed:
frequency table, simplepercentage andmean (X) The results obtainedfrom
thefindings revealed that the studentspossess a wide range ofICTrelatedskills
and that there arefactors militating against the effective use ofICTs by
students which rangesfrom inadequatefunds, poor or erratic power supply,
inadequate numberofeffective Internet Service Providers (ISP) to
lackofpolicyframework on ICTs in the country. Based on thefindings, it was
recommended that efforts should be made to place a highpremium/priority on
application ofICTsin the services ofuniversity libraries. Students shouldbe
encouragedto utilize ICTsin the librariesto enhance their academic output.
Government should as wellshow more commitment in the developing ofICTs base in
the country byproviding grants andaids more stablepowersupply andcyber cafes.
Various institutionsshould endeavourto generatefunds internallyfor ICTprojects,
adequate training and orientation on ICTs should be emphasized. Key Words:
Information and Communication Technologies, Academic Libraries, ICT Utilization
NNAMDI, O (2025). Improving Utilization Of ICT Facilities In Nigerian University Libraries;- Nnamdi Emmanuel O. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/improving-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-nigerian-university-libraries-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Improving Utilization Of ICT Facilities In Nigerian University Libraries;- Nnamdi Emmanuel O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 03 Mar. 2025, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/improving-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-nigerian-university-libraries-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Improving Utilization Of ICT Facilities In Nigerian University Libraries;- Nnamdi Emmanuel O". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 03 Mar. 2025. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/improving-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-nigerian-university-libraries-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2 >.
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Improving Utilization Of ICT Facilities In Nigerian University Libraries;- Nnamdi Emmanuel O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2025). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/improving-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-nigerian-university-libraries-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2