The study was designed to examine the impact of agricultural
policies on cocoa export in Nigeria from 1970 to 2007. Agricultural policies,
policy regimes and relevant policy variables were analysed; the trend and growth
rates of cocoa export quantity in the two policy regimes (Premarket
liberalization (1970 — 1985) and Market liberalization (1986 — 2007) were also
analysed; the effect of Liberalization on cocoa export in Nigeria were
determined and cocoa export supply function was estimated with a view to
assessing the impact of the policies identified on cocoa export supply and
analysis of their elasticities. Variables employed included cocoa export
quantity (in period t and in previous period), domestic utilization, total
output of cocoa, relative price, real exchange rate, trend variable to capture
technological change, world income (proxied by the GDP of Netherland as the
highest importer of Nigeria's cocoa); dummy variables were introduced to
control the effects of different government policy programmes like Operation
Feed the Nation, Green Revolution, Structural Adjustment Policies, and Post
Structural Adjustment Policies. The secondary data collected were analyzed
using such statistical and econometric tools like, averages, t-test statistic,
multiple regression analysis by the ordinary least squares as well as Chow's
test. The result showed that on the average, the quantity of cocoa exported was
positive in both Pre-Liberalization (1970-1985) (149539. 69tons) and
Liberalization (1986-2007) (180817.8ltons) periods. Significant difference
(2.14 at 5%) was found between the average cocoa export quantities in both
periods suggesting that cocoa export quantity was on the average significantly
lower in Pre-Liberalization period than in Liberalization period. The average
growth rate was also positive in both Pre-Liberalization (0.7%) and
Liberalization (9.8%) periods, suggesting that on the average cocoa export
quantity increased within both periods. No significant difference was found
between the average growth rates of cocoa export quantity in both periods,
suggesting that growth rate in both periods could have been the same. The
Chow's test analysis showed a significant difference in cocoa export supply
between the two policy regimes. It showed that Market Liberalization period
have superior cocoa export supply relative to Pre-Liberalization period. The
result on the impact of the policies on cocoa export supply showed that Cocoa
output (0.734 at 1%), Real exchange rate (0.639 at 5%), Relative price (0.511
at 10%), Green Revolution (0.262 at 5%), Structural Adjustment Policies (0.166
at 5%) and Post Structural adjustment Policies had positive significant effects
on cocoa export supply. Likewise the elasticity of response shows that cocoa
export was inelastic with respect to Cocoa Output (0.43), Real Exchange Rate
(0.34), Relative Price (0.20), Green Revolution (0.31), Structural Adjustment
Policies (0.40), and Post Structural Adjustment Policies (0.24). The elasticity
of response of export supply of cocoa was highest for Cocoa Output and lowest
for Relative Price. Cocoa export was therefore more responsive to Cocoa Output
followed by Structural Adjustment Policies than Relative Price and Green
Revolution. It was recommended that Government should revisit those policy
instruments and measures that were in place during Green Revolution and
Structural Adjustment Programmes that improved cocoa export. Such as provision
of incentives in the form of liberal resources allocation to agriculture,
particularly irrigation facilities, agrochemicals, equipments, improved seeds,
infrastructural facilities, etc., which probably encouraged the production and
export of cocoa in Green Revolution era. The export promotion incentives
provided in the SAP and PSAP periods probably encouraged cocoa production and
export in the periods.
UGWUNALI, J (2021). Impact Of Agricultural Policies On Cocoa Exports In Nigeria (1970 — 2007). Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/impact-of-agricultural-policies-on-cocoa-exports-in-nigeria-1970-2007-7-2
JERRY, UGWUNALI. "Impact Of Agricultural Policies On Cocoa Exports In Nigeria (1970 — 2007)" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 26 Oct. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/impact-of-agricultural-policies-on-cocoa-exports-in-nigeria-1970-2007-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
JERRY, UGWUNALI. "Impact Of Agricultural Policies On Cocoa Exports In Nigeria (1970 — 2007)". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 26 Oct. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/impact-of-agricultural-policies-on-cocoa-exports-in-nigeria-1970-2007-7-2 >.
JERRY, UGWUNALI. "Impact Of Agricultural Policies On Cocoa Exports In Nigeria (1970 — 2007)" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/impact-of-agricultural-policies-on-cocoa-exports-in-nigeria-1970-2007-7-2