The study was designed to examine
gender, informal. credit markets and determinants of credit use by food crop
farmers in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria A multi-stage sampling technique was
adopted in selecting 96 credit user arable crop farmers and 24 informal credit sources
from 6 villages through the use of structured questionnaire A total of 120
respondents selected were used for the study The socio-economic characteristics
of food crop farmers and informal credit
suppliers were described using descriptive statistical tools such as
percentages means and frequencies The probit model was used to examine the
factors that had significant influence on credit use and credit delinquency 'he
Poisson regression model was used to examine the factors affecting the
frequency of credit disbursed to food crop farmers Finally the simultaneous equation
technique, using two stage least squares was employed to examine the
determinants of credit supply and demand in the area: Separate treatment of
male and female farmers served to identify the similarities and differences
between the gender concerning the determinants for credit demand, use and
delinquency, and also the determinants of supply and number of credit
disbursed. Results ,of that analyses revealed that the factors that
significantly influence credit use by male farmers are credit amount received,
farm income and education and profit. While. factors that have significant
influence on credit use by female farmers are farm income, profit; education
household size and interest amount. Poisson regression analyses showed that
liquidity, experience in lending and availability of surety influenced
frequency of credit given to male farmers whereas liquidity, experience in
lending and surety influenced frequency of credit given to female farmers. The
significant determinants of credit delinquency for the male farmers were farm
income, profit, education and interest amount, whereas credit amount received,
profit, household size and interest amount had significant influence on
delinquencies in females. Further, the simultaneous equation analysis revealed
that, farm income, profit, education, interest amount, determined demand
whereas liquidity, experience in lending and interest amount determined supply.
It was concluded that factors that influence informal credit demand, use and
delinquency differ by gender. Male and female needs and priorities vary and
evolve over time just as the factors influencing their demand, use and
delinquency on credit vary as well as factors •that make them credit
constrained, informal credit suppliers should realize these changing realities
when designing and delivering credit to male and female food crop farmers.
Government should put in place'a body that will help check diversion of credit
meant for farm use. A body that will monitor and regulate prevailing high
interest rates in the informal credit market should be constituted. Government
should ensure the presence of formal lending institutions in the rural areas so
that food crop farmers can access cheaper credit. This will go a long way in
improving food crop market and agricultural production in general.
MICHAEL, U (2021). Gender, Informal Credit Markets And Determinants Of Credit Use By Food Crop Farmers In Akwa Ibom State Of Nigeria . Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/gender-informal-credit-markets-and-determinants-of-credit-use-by-food-crop-farmers-in-akwa-ibom-state-of-nigeria-7-2
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Gender, Informal Credit Markets And Determinants Of Credit Use By Food Crop Farmers In Akwa Ibom State Of Nigeria " Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 20 Sep. 2021, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/gender-informal-credit-markets-and-determinants-of-credit-use-by-food-crop-farmers-in-akwa-ibom-state-of-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Gender, Informal Credit Markets And Determinants Of Credit Use By Food Crop Farmers In Akwa Ibom State Of Nigeria ". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 20 Sep. 2021. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/gender-informal-credit-markets-and-determinants-of-credit-use-by-food-crop-farmers-in-akwa-ibom-state-of-nigeria-7-2 >.
UNIVERSITY, MICHAEL. "Gender, Informal Credit Markets And Determinants Of Credit Use By Food Crop Farmers In Akwa Ibom State Of Nigeria " Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2021). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/gender-informal-credit-markets-and-determinants-of-credit-use-by-food-crop-farmers-in-akwa-ibom-state-of-nigeria-7-2