This study evaluated the effect of
microcredit and gender related variables on welfare of smallholder cassava-
based producing households in Abia state, Nigeria. Primary data were collected
from smallholder cassava- based producers who were registered with the ADP from
2014 –2019. A multistage sampling technique involving purposive and random sampling
technique were used in the selection of 240 respondents comprising of 80
microcredit user households (40 males and 40 females) and 160 microcredit non
user households (80 males and 80 females). `Analytical tools used were
descriptive statistics, welfare index, Ordinary Least Squares multiple
regression analysis, Chow test and paired Z-test. Results on socio economic
characteristics showed that the mean age of the producers were 51 and 48 years and
(81.67% and 68.33%) were married for the male and female household heads
respectively. They had up to 14 years farming experience and about 80 %
attended at least primary school for the male and female household heads. Mean
household size of 6 persons, mean farm sizes of 2.13 and 1.67 hectares, mean
income of ₦365,548 and ₦317,273 were gotten for the male and female headed
households respectively. The mean amount of credit received by the male headed
household was ₦150,875 and that of the female headed household was ₦115,530.
The mean output of the male headed household was 19.42 tonnes/hectare while
that of the female headed household was 12.05 tonnes/hectare. The results of
the welfare status showed that the male credit users and non-credit user
households had more non poor people as compared to the female headed credit
user and non-credit user households. The results of Ordinary Least Squares
multiple regression analysis model showed that amount of credit received and
household size significantly affected welfare at 5 percent while loan duration,
interest payment on loan, farm size and income significantly affected the
welfare of the male cassava producing households at 1 percent. Also, amount of
credit significantly affected welfare at 5 percent while loan duration, interest
payment on loan, value of land used as collateral, household size and income
were significant factors that affected the welfare of the female cassava
producing households at 1 percent. Results on welfare function showed that age,
household size, size of land holding, age composition, income and cost of
production were the factors that influenced the welfare of the microcredit user
households while age, education, size of land holding, composition of members
that are working, income and cost of production were the factors that
influenced the welfare of the non-microcredit user households. The Chow test
showed that the male headed credit user households and the male headed non-credit
user households had a higher profitability than the female headed credit user
households and the female headed non-credit user households. The Z-test results
showed that the male headed cassava producing households had more output,
income and profit than the female headed cassava producing households. It was
recommended that government incentives in encouraging favourable lending
conditions should be encouraged and sustained and policies/programmes that
encourage gender equality should be put in place to encourage the entrepreneurs
to harness and optimize use of credit borrowed to make more profit and improve
their welfare.
Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Table of
Contents vi
List of
Tables ix
of Figures xi
Information 1
Statement 8
of the Study 10
of the Study 11
1.5 Justification
of the Study 11
2.1 Conceptual Literature 13
2.1.1 Concept
of microcredit 13
2.1.2 Concept
of microcredit related variables 14
2.1.3 Sources
of credit to agro enterprises 19
2.1.4 Conditions
for extending credits to customers 20
2.1.5 Concept
of gender 21
2.1.6 Concept
of gender related variables 22
2.1.7 Concept
of household welfare 26
2.1.8 Measurement
of household welfare 28
2.1.9 Household
characteristics 30
2.1.10 Smallholder
producers 32
2.1.11 Concept
of profitability 33
2.1.12 Cassava
production in Nigeria 34
2.2 Theoretical
Literature 39
2.2.1 Theories
of gender 39
2.2.2 Theories
microcredit related variables 40
2.2.3 Theories
of welfare 42
2.3 Empirical
Literature 44
2.3.1 Empirical
review of related studies on gender related variables 44
2.3.2 Empirical
review of related studies on microcredit related
on welfare 47
2.3.3 Studies
on socioeconomic determinants of household welfare 51
2.4 Analytical
Framework 55
Socioeconomic characteristics of respondents 55
2.4.2 Estimation of welfare index of smallholder
cassava producers 55
2.4.3 Regression models 56
2.4.4 Estimation of welfare function 57
2.4.5 Estimation of profitability 57
2.4.6 Z-test
model 58
3.1 Study Area 59
3.2 Sampling Procedure 62
3.3 Data Collection 64
3.4 Analytical Procedure 64
3.4.1 Test for change in welfare 67
Test for homogeneity of slopes for
welfare 68
3.4.3 Test for differences in interest for credit 68
3.4.4 Comparison of profitability of male and
female beneficiaries 69
3.4.5 Test for structural shift in profitability 69
3.4.6 Test for homogeneity of slopes for profitability 70
3.4.7 Test for differences in intercepts for
profitability 70
3.4.8 Test of hypotheses on gender variables
affecting welfare 70
4.1 Socioeconomic and Demographic
Characteristics of the Producers 72
4.2 Effect of Microcredit Related Variables
that affect the Welfare of Male Credit user Households 102
4.2.1 Microcredit Related Variables that affect
the Welfare of Female 106
Credit user Households
4.2.2 Welfare of the Microcredit User and Non-User
Households 109
4.2.3 Tests for structural shift in welfare
function and difference in
welfare 115
4.2.4 Effect
of Gender Related Variables Affecting Welfare of Respondents 117
4.3 Comparison of Welfare Status by Gender 124
4.4 Profitability of Microcredit User and Credit
Non user Households by
Gender 127
4.4.1 Profitability of credit user households by
gender 128
4.4.2 Tests for structural shift in profitability
and differences in
profitability of credit user
households by gender 134
Factors Affecting the Welfare of Cassava Producing Households by
Gender 136
4.5.1 Tests for structural shift in welfare
function and difference in
Welfare of microcredit user
households 142
5.1 Summary 144
5.2 Conclusion 146
5.3 Recommendations 147
References 150
Appendix 164
3.1 Sample size and sampling frame 63
4.1 Distribution of the respondents based on
age 73
4.2 Distribution
of the respondents based on marital status 75
4.3 Distribution of the respondents based on
education 77
4.4 Distribution of the respondents based on
household size 79
4.5 Distribution of the respondents based on farming
experience 81
4.6 Distribution of the respondents based on
farm size 83
4.7 Distribution of the respondents based on
membership of cooperation 85
4.8 Distribution of the respondents based on
other crops planted 87
4.9 Distribution of the respondents based on
sources of farm land 89
4.10 Distribution of the respondents based on
amount of credit received 91
4.11 Distribution of the respondents based on
farm income 93
4.12 Distribution of the respondents based on
output 95
4.13 Distribution of the respondents based on
sources of finance 97
4.14 Distribution of the respondents based on
problems encountered in farming 99
4.15 Test for differences in major Socio
economic variables of the male
and female cassava based producing households 101
4.16 Effect of microcredit related variables
that affect the welfare of the
male credit user cassava based
producing households 102
4.17 Effect of microcredit related variables
that affect the welfare of the
credit user cassava based producing households 106
4.18 Estimated welfare function of the male
credit user and male non-credit
user households 110
4.19 Tests for differences in welfare for user
and credit non user
4.20 Paired Z-test to compare the gender related
variables outcomes affecting the
of the male and female cassava based producing households 118
4.21 Distribution of cassava producing households
according to their welfare
Status 124
4.22 Profitability and returns on investment of
credit user and credit non user
households by gender 127
4.23 Profitability of credit user households by
gender 129
4.24 Tests for differences in profitability of
microcredit user households by
gender 134
4.25 Estimated welfare functions of microcredit
user households by
Gender 137
4.26 Tests for differences in welfare of male
and female credit user
Households 142
Fig 2.1 Estimates of root yield and total
output for cassava in Nigeria
1999 – 2018. 38
Fig 3.1 Map showing Abia State Local
Government Areas and the Selected
for the study 61
IKENNA, N (2023). Effect of Microcredit and Gender Related Variables on Welfare of Smallholder Cassava -Based Producing Households in Abia State, Nigeria. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-microcredit-and-gender-related-variables-on-welfare-of-smallholder-cassava-based-producing-households-in-abia-state-nigeria-7-2
NNEOMA, IKENNA. "Effect of Microcredit and Gender Related Variables on Welfare of Smallholder Cassava -Based Producing Households in Abia State, Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 07 Sep. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-microcredit-and-gender-related-variables-on-welfare-of-smallholder-cassava-based-producing-households-in-abia-state-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
NNEOMA, IKENNA. "Effect of Microcredit and Gender Related Variables on Welfare of Smallholder Cassava -Based Producing Households in Abia State, Nigeria". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 07 Sep. 2023. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-microcredit-and-gender-related-variables-on-welfare-of-smallholder-cassava-based-producing-households-in-abia-state-nigeria-7-2 >.
NNEOMA, IKENNA. "Effect of Microcredit and Gender Related Variables on Welfare of Smallholder Cassava -Based Producing Households in Abia State, Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2023). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-microcredit-and-gender-related-variables-on-welfare-of-smallholder-cassava-based-producing-households-in-abia-state-nigeria-7-2