study examined funding and development of public library services in Abia State
Library Board, Umuahia. It adopted the descriptive survey design with four (4)
specific objectives. The population of the study was 42 library staff
comprising 12 professional and 30 paraprofessionalstaff. The complete
censussampling technique was adopted. The structured questionnaire instrument
was used for data collection which yielded 38 respondents representing 90%
response rate. The data collected were analysed and presented in tables using
descriptive statistics to determine the frequency counts and mean scores. A
2.50 criterion mean was used to indicate agreement or disagreement in each
item. The study revealed that thesources of funding for development of public
library services are: funding from governments through taxation; revenue from
users' fees such as: users' registration, overdue fines and levies; charges
from users for services, e.g., photocopying and printing facilities, etc. It
also showed that funding and development of public library services facilitate procurement of information and communication technology (ICT)
tools; maintenance of equipment and furniture; purchase of
stationeries; purchase of new books and non-book materials, payment
for administrative expenses, among others. Challenges of funding and
development of public library services were inadequate funding,
power problem to provide effective public library services which can
encourage public funding, insufficient ICT infrastructure and staff
with ICT skills and poor conditions of service and prospects of public
library staff to attract public funding. The study concludes that since
funding is indispensable in the development of public library services,
governments should provide adequate funds to the library in order to
enhance effective and efficientservices delivery while management of
the library should provide mobile services for improved development
ofpublic library services.
Keywords: Funding. Devel
EDWARD, A (2024). Funding and Development of Public Library Service: A Case Study Of Abia State Library Board Umuahia:- Edward Amadi. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Jan 19, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/funding-and-development-of-public-library-service-a-case-study-of-abia-state-library-board-umuahia-edward-amadi-7-2
AMADI, EDWARD. "Funding and Development of Public Library Service: A Case Study Of Abia State Library Board Umuahia:- Edward Amadi" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 Aug. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/funding-and-development-of-public-library-service-a-case-study-of-abia-state-library-board-umuahia-edward-amadi-7-2. Accessed 19 Jan. 2025.
AMADI, EDWARD. "Funding and Development of Public Library Service: A Case Study Of Abia State Library Board Umuahia:- Edward Amadi". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 Aug. 2024. Web. 19 Jan. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/funding-and-development-of-public-library-service-a-case-study-of-abia-state-library-board-umuahia-edward-amadi-7-2 >.
AMADI, EDWARD. "Funding and Development of Public Library Service: A Case Study Of Abia State Library Board Umuahia:- Edward Amadi" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 19 Jan. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/funding-and-development-of-public-library-service-a-case-study-of-abia-state-library-board-umuahia-edward-amadi-7-2