study is aimed at examining Framing Instructional Strategy and senior secondary
school chemistry students’ Achievement in Stoichiometry in Aba Educational Zone
of Abia State. The study adopted quasi experimental design. Three research
questions and six hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population
of the study comprised all the 2,275 chemistry students of 2015/2016 session in
public secondary schools in Aba Educational Zone of Abia State. Multi-stage
sampling technique was used to select 72 chemistry students and the use of
intact classes was involved. A 30 item multiple choice Stoichiometry Achievement
Test (SAT) with options A-D was developed which covered the SS2 chemistry
curriculum. The content areas are particulate nature of matter, symbols,
formulae and equations, mass-volume relationship. The reliability of the
instrument was established using Kuder-Richardson KR-20 and it yielded an
estimate of 0.72. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard
deviation for research question while the hypotheses were tested using Analysis
of co-variance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the
study, among others, showed that there was significant mean difference between
achievement scores of students taught with framing instructional strategy and
those taught with lecture method. It was recommended that chemistry teachers should
use framing instructional strategy in teaching of stoichiometry, among others.
EGWUOM, E (2022). Framing Instructional Strategy And Senior Secondary School Chemistry Students’ Achievement In Stoichiometry In Aba Educational Zone Of Abia State.. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/framing-instructional-strategy-and-senior-secondary-school-chemistry-students-achievement-in-stoichiometry-in-aba-educational-zone-of-abia-state-7-2
EGWUOM, EGWUOM. "Framing Instructional Strategy And Senior Secondary School Chemistry Students’ Achievement In Stoichiometry In Aba Educational Zone Of Abia State." Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/framing-instructional-strategy-and-senior-secondary-school-chemistry-students-achievement-in-stoichiometry-in-aba-educational-zone-of-abia-state-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
EGWUOM, EGWUOM. "Framing Instructional Strategy And Senior Secondary School Chemistry Students’ Achievement In Stoichiometry In Aba Educational Zone Of Abia State.". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/framing-instructional-strategy-and-senior-secondary-school-chemistry-students-achievement-in-stoichiometry-in-aba-educational-zone-of-abia-state-7-2 >.
EGWUOM, EGWUOM. "Framing Instructional Strategy And Senior Secondary School Chemistry Students’ Achievement In Stoichiometry In Aba Educational Zone Of Abia State." Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2022). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/framing-instructional-strategy-and-senior-secondary-school-chemistry-students-achievement-in-stoichiometry-in-aba-educational-zone-of-abia-state-7-2