African sweetpotato weevil (Cylas puncticollis
Boheman) is one of the most important insect pests of sweetpotato in
Africa. It ranks the number one constraint to sweetpotato production in
Nigeria. A field study was conducted at the National Root Crop Research Institute
Umudike, Abia state during 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons to evaluate the
effect of intercropping three varieties of sweetpotato (UMUSPO-1, UMUSPO-3 and
BUTTERMILK), with hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens
Linn) on the management of sweetpotato weevil (C. puncticollis).The experiment consisted of three different
intercropping patterns (i) sweetpotato intercropped with pepper using earthing up at 0 level, 2 levels and 3
levels, (ii) sweetpotato intercropped with pepper using three different pepper
population densities (1m x 1m, 1m x 0.5 m and 1m x 0.25m) and (iii) sweetpotato
intercropped with pepper using different times of introducing pepper i.e
planting same time with sweetpotato, 2 weeks and 4 WAP, 2 weeks and 4 weeks
before planting sweetpotato. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. The plot size was 18m2. Parameters evaluated were weevil
population density, marketable and unmarketable weight of crop, crop yield,
root damage, root weight, yield loss, percentage colonization and number of
roots produced. Result from the studies indicated that lower insect pest
populations were recorded in the intercrop plots (0.22,0.70, 0.80, 0.88, 0.99,
1.05, 1.22 ) than sole crop plots (1.64, 1.77, 1.95, 2.03, 2.09, 2.17, 2.31, ) in both cropping seasons.
Results showed that intercropping with earthing up at 2 and 3 levels, using
higher pepper population densities of 20,000 and 40,000 plants per hectare and
introduction of pepper 2 and 4 weeks
before planting sweetpotato were significant (P ≤ 0.05) in lowering the weevil
population (0.22, 0.99, 0.70, 0.80, 0.88, 0.07, 1.05 ) and also gave lower
unmarketable yields of sweetpotato roots (0.00, 0.02, 0.03, 0.09, 0.16,
0.,0.08, 0.11) lower colonization (5.50, 6.20, 7.70, 8.20, 15.40,16.20, 10.20,) and lower yield loss (1.00, 6.30, 0.70, 3.20,
3.60, 4.30, 7.80,) of sweetpotato roots than the sole crops (2.05, 0.77, 57.0, 41.8, 66.10, 25.4). Higher
unmarketable roots, higher root damage, higher colonization and higher yield
losses were recorded in the sole crop plots and also when intercropped with no
earthing up, when pepper was planted using a lower population density of 10,000
plants per hectare (1m x1m) and when sweetpotato was planted 2 and 4 weeks
before pepper. Generally, higher marketable yields were recorded in the
intercrops than the sole crop plots. Result from the study also indicated that
intercropping did not affect the yield of sweetpotato hence some of the
intercrop plots recorded higher root number (61.00, 57.00, 84.00, 50.30, 40.30)
and root weight (5.85, 3.22, 5.78, 9.71, 7.81, 4.05) similar to the sole crops.
Results from the studies revealed the potential of sweepotato and pepper
intercrop with earthing up at 2 and 3 levels, using higher pepper population
densities (20,000 and 40,000 plants per hectare) and introducing pepper 2 and 4
weeks before sweetpotato in the management of sweepotato weevil. Hence, the recommendation
to resource poor farmers for effective control of sweetpotato weevil especially
during dry seasons when the insect pest infestations are more prevalent in
addition to reducing the cost of production of sweetpotato and increase food
production in Nigeria.
EFURUMIBE, E (2022). Effect Of Intercropping Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam.) With Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens Linn) And Earthing Up On Management Of Sweetpotato Weevil (Cylas Puncticollis Boheman) In Umudike, Abia State Nigeria. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-intercropping-sweetpotato-ipomoea-batatas-%5Bl%5D-lam-with-pepper-capsicum-frutescens-linn-and-earthing-up-on-management-of-sweetpotato-weevil-cylas-puncticollis-boheman-in-umudike-abia-state-nigeria-7-2
EFURUMIBE, EFURUMIBE. "Effect Of Intercropping Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam.) With Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens Linn) And Earthing Up On Management Of Sweetpotato Weevil (Cylas Puncticollis Boheman) In Umudike, Abia State Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-intercropping-sweetpotato-ipomoea-batatas-%5Bl%5D-lam-with-pepper-capsicum-frutescens-linn-and-earthing-up-on-management-of-sweetpotato-weevil-cylas-puncticollis-boheman-in-umudike-abia-state-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
EFURUMIBE, EFURUMIBE. "Effect Of Intercropping Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam.) With Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens Linn) And Earthing Up On Management Of Sweetpotato Weevil (Cylas Puncticollis Boheman) In Umudike, Abia State Nigeria". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 19 Oct. 2022. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-intercropping-sweetpotato-ipomoea-batatas-%5Bl%5D-lam-with-pepper-capsicum-frutescens-linn-and-earthing-up-on-management-of-sweetpotato-weevil-cylas-puncticollis-boheman-in-umudike-abia-state-nigeria-7-2 >.
EFURUMIBE, EFURUMIBE. "Effect Of Intercropping Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam.) With Pepper (Capsicum Frutescens Linn) And Earthing Up On Management Of Sweetpotato Weevil (Cylas Puncticollis Boheman) In Umudike, Abia State Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2022). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/effect-of-intercropping-sweetpotato-ipomoea-batatas-%5Bl%5D-lam-with-pepper-capsicum-frutescens-linn-and-earthing-up-on-management-of-sweetpotato-weevil-cylas-puncticollis-boheman-in-umudike-abia-state-nigeria-7-2