examines the awareness anduse ofthe internet among undergraduate student
ofMichael Okpara University ofAgriculture, Umudike, (MOUA U). To achieve the
purpose ofthe study, four objectives wereformulated. The research design
usedwas descriptive survey. Thepopulation ofthe study is 230, consisted
ofundergraduate students across levels 100 to 400. The census methodwas
adoptedin studying the entirepopulation. The instrumentfor data collection was
questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed using thefourpoint Likertscale.
Two hundredand thirty/ copies (230) of the questionnaire were administeredand
two hundredthirty’ was correctlyfdledandreturned. Data was analysed using mean
score andfrequency table. The findings ofthe study revealed that the
undergraduate students use the internetfor academic purposes, sending and
receiving of email, entertainment and recreation and news. A major finding
ofthe study was that there is high level of internet awareness among the
undergraduate students ofMichael Okpara University, Umudike. All the
respondents indicated awareness ofinternet. This means that students ofMOUAUare
utilizing the internet services, and are able to browse the internet, send
e-mail and downloadfiles. The findings also shows that students also engage in
academic activities which include checking background information for
assignments, downloading ofPDF scholarly articles and research publications,
andfillingforms and checking on the universityportals. The major constraint to
the use ofinternet by undergraduate studentsin MOUAUis the high cost ofinternet
accessfollowed by the irregularpower supply, low internet skills is also a
challenge to using the internet. The study recommendedthat; internetsubscriptionsshouldbe
subsidizedby the school management to enable undergraduate students benefit
morefrom the services. Library managers should leverage on the wide use ofthe
internet by students to promote information and library services via social media,
andfinally, the schoolmanagementshouldprovide regular or adequatepowersupply.
EDWARD, A (2024). Awareness And Use Of The Internet Among Undergraduate Students Of Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike:- Edward Amadi . Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Jan 16, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/awareness-and-use-of-the-internet-among-undergraduate-students-of-michael-okpara-university-of-agriculture-umudike-edward-amadi-7-2
AMADI, EDWARD. "Awareness And Use Of The Internet Among Undergraduate Students Of Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike:- Edward Amadi " Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 Aug. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/awareness-and-use-of-the-internet-among-undergraduate-students-of-michael-okpara-university-of-agriculture-umudike-edward-amadi-7-2. Accessed 16 Jan. 2025.
AMADI, EDWARD. "Awareness And Use Of The Internet Among Undergraduate Students Of Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike:- Edward Amadi ". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 06 Aug. 2024. Web. 16 Jan. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/awareness-and-use-of-the-internet-among-undergraduate-students-of-michael-okpara-university-of-agriculture-umudike-edward-amadi-7-2 >.
AMADI, EDWARD. "Awareness And Use Of The Internet Among Undergraduate Students Of Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike:- Edward Amadi " Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 16 Jan. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/awareness-and-use-of-the-internet-among-undergraduate-students-of-michael-okpara-university-of-agriculture-umudike-edward-amadi-7-2