Research work examines the factors affecting
utilization of Information and hlS unication Technologies (ICTs) by students in
thefivefederal university libraries,in Ornrh-Central Zone ofNigeria. Itsought
tofind out among other things the ICTfacilities' ort_. ble to students in
university libraries, ascertain the extenttowhichstudents utilizeICT >al ries
in university libraries andfind outproblems encountered by students in using
the .. bleICTfacilities ofthese universities. Descriptivesurvey designwas
employedforthe A^with apopulation of113,329 students. A sample of150 students
was selectedforthe using purposive sampling technique. The instrument usedfor
data collection was ^tiotuuiire. Out of150 copies ofthe questionnaire
distributed to the respondents, 140 ieS- were filled and returned representing
93.33% of the copies of questionnaire P^fated. To analyze the data the
following descriptive statistical measures were strl. gd;frequency table,
simplepercentage andmean (X). The results obtainedfrom the revealed
thatICTfacilities are available to the students but their utilization is at
level. Itequally discoveredthat there arefactorsmilitating againstthe effective
use ^jCTS by students, rangingfrom inadequate finds, poor or erratic power
supply, and jgquate numberofeffectiveInternetServiceProviders (ISP) to
lackofpolicyframework tICTsin f^ecountry- Recommendationsweremadebasedon
NNAMDI, O (2025). Availability And Utilization Of Ict Facilities In Libraries: The Case Of Five Selected Federal University Libraries In North Central Zone Of Nigeria:- Nnamdi Emmanuel O. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 12, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/availability-and-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-libraries-the-case-of-five-selected-federal-university-libraries-in-north-central-zone-of-nigeria-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Availability And Utilization Of Ict Facilities In Libraries: The Case Of Five Selected Federal University Libraries In North Central Zone Of Nigeria:- Nnamdi Emmanuel O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 10 Mar. 2025, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/availability-and-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-libraries-the-case-of-five-selected-federal-university-libraries-in-north-central-zone-of-nigeria-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2. Accessed 12 Mar. 2025.
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Availability And Utilization Of Ict Facilities In Libraries: The Case Of Five Selected Federal University Libraries In North Central Zone Of Nigeria:- Nnamdi Emmanuel O". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 10 Mar. 2025. Web. 12 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/availability-and-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-libraries-the-case-of-five-selected-federal-university-libraries-in-north-central-zone-of-nigeria-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2 >.
ONYEKWEODIRI, NNAMDI. "Availability And Utilization Of Ict Facilities In Libraries: The Case Of Five Selected Federal University Libraries In North Central Zone Of Nigeria:- Nnamdi Emmanuel O" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2025). Accessed 12 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/availability-and-utilization-of-ict-facilities-in-libraries-the-case-of-five-selected-federal-university-libraries-in-north-central-zone-of-nigeria-nnamdi-emmanuel-o-7-2