study dealt with analysis of physicochemical parameters, heavy metals in bottom
and plankton characteristics of earthen ponds in Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike Nigeria. The ponds were constructed on low land and
therefore prone to runoffs loaded with degradable and non-degradable materials
deposited at different degrees in different sections of the farm. For the
purpose of this study, the farm was divided into three sections in relation to
flooding as; flood free area, low flood area and high flood area. The analysis
was carried out to provide empirical data that could be informative in
management of earthen ponds in flood prone environment for production of fish
for human consumption. Lead, zinc, iron, cadmium were analyzed using atomic
absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), dissolved oxygen (Do), Biological oxygen
demand(BOD), total dissolved solids(TDS), electrical conductivity (Ec),
nitrate, phosphate, temperature, pH, and transparency were analysed using DO
meter, TDS meter, conductivity meter, pH meter, thermometer and secchi disc
respectively. Plankton was analyzed by filtering water samples through a fine
plankton net of mesh size 55um and viewed under microscope for identification.
Results obtained showed that DO, BOD, EC, phosphate, temperature, pH were
significantly different at 5% probability level (p<0.05) among the different
sections of the farm with the following mean values DO had the highest value in
sections as 4.78. section 2 4.63 and sectionl 4.19. BOD was highest in Sectionl
as 2.08, section2 2.05 and sections 1.78. EC was highest in sectionl as 156.08,
sections 114.58 and Section2 83.42. phosphate was highest in sectionl as 1.44,
Sections 0.95 and section2 0.13. However, TDS, N03 and transparency were not
significantly different among ponds in different sections of the farm. TDS had
the highest mean value 73.08 in section3, 70.19 in section2 and 63.41 in sectionl.
Nitrate was highest in section3 as 22.04, section2 21.33 and sectionl 19.37.
Heavy metals results showed that Pb, Zn, cd, Fe were significantly different at
5% probability level among the various ponds. Results on plankton abundance
showed that some ponds were more productive than others which agree that
impartation of runoff is at different degree. Sectionl ponds recorded the
highest number of plankton which could be linked to the low values of cd,
nitrate, TDS. EC values were also high in same section which means that
nutrients are better circulated in it. It was recommended that physicochemical
parameters should be monitored regularly to make sure they are within the
recommended range.
EZICHI, A (2023). Analysis Of Physicochemical Parameters Of Heavy Metals In Bottom Sediments And Plankton Characteristics Of Earthen Ponds In University Fish Farm, Umudike Nigeria. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/analysis-of-physicochemical-parameters-of-heavy-metals-in-bottom-sediments-and-plankton-characteristics-of-earthen-ponds-in-university-fish-farm-umudike-nigeria-7-2
ADANNE, EZICHI. "Analysis Of Physicochemical Parameters Of Heavy Metals In Bottom Sediments And Plankton Characteristics Of Earthen Ponds In University Fish Farm, Umudike Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 May. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/analysis-of-physicochemical-parameters-of-heavy-metals-in-bottom-sediments-and-plankton-characteristics-of-earthen-ponds-in-university-fish-farm-umudike-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
ADANNE, EZICHI. "Analysis Of Physicochemical Parameters Of Heavy Metals In Bottom Sediments And Plankton Characteristics Of Earthen Ponds In University Fish Farm, Umudike Nigeria". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 May. 2023. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/analysis-of-physicochemical-parameters-of-heavy-metals-in-bottom-sediments-and-plankton-characteristics-of-earthen-ponds-in-university-fish-farm-umudike-nigeria-7-2 >.
ADANNE, EZICHI. "Analysis Of Physicochemical Parameters Of Heavy Metals In Bottom Sediments And Plankton Characteristics Of Earthen Ponds In University Fish Farm, Umudike Nigeria" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2023). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/analysis-of-physicochemical-parameters-of-heavy-metals-in-bottom-sediments-and-plankton-characteristics-of-earthen-ponds-in-university-fish-farm-umudike-nigeria-7-2