An investigation was carried out to determine some engineering properties of fresh, boiled, kernel and nut of oil palm fruit (Dura). The classes of engineering properties determined...
The world is an arena for the interplay of forces - never tranquil, but dynamic and mobile. Every generation is to receive its own impulse and kinesis of creation for the good of...
It is my pleasure to welcome all staff to this last program of LIFTING UP MOUAU for the year 2021. Times have been fliting and days have been moving through the year. It seemed as if...
The research presents a greenhouse with hydroponic system developed and tested with Roma VF tomato variety. The microclimatic condition which determined the activities of the plant...
The tractor-drawn single row ginger rhizome harvester was the designed, fabricated and its performance was evaluated in terms of effective field capacity, field efficiency, and percentage...
During agricultural operations such as bush clearing, soil preparation, planting, and crop harvesting the soil is subjected to high compaction stresses. However, the magnitude of...
Inadequate meteorological data for accurate designing, operation and planning of water resources against extreme rainfall event is a major challenge confronting engineers. Thirty two (32)...
The research was on the impact of Agricultural ecosystem on available carbon stock and soil water storage for irrigation management and climate change mitigation. A free survey method...
A motorized potato chipping machine was designed, fabricated and tested. This is perhaps a major advancement in the development of potato chips. The machine was made as simple as...
The proper disposal of solid waste has been a major concern in many societies especially here in Nigeria. This work seeks to provide a solution to the disposal of wastes like paper and...
A Water quality has become a major concern due to ever increasing human developmental activities that over exploit and pollute the water resources. In the present study, water...
Understanding the controlling factors of the soil erosion process can help plan conservation strategies and enhance crop production. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the...
Waste Management is an important element of environmental protection. Proper characterization of solid waste is fundamental for the planning of waste management services. This study...
An active mix-mode solar dryer powered by wind generator and a passive solar dryer both integrated with and without C3H8O3 (glycerol) as thermal storage was designed, fabricated and...
A motorized ginger rhizome peeling machine was designed, developed and its performance evaluated. Three moisture contents (69.55%, 75.4% and 80.38%), three feed...
The study was carried out at Uyo Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) dumpsite to investigate the effects of MSW leachate on soil and water quality as well as modeling of leachate transport in soil...
First semester Examination 2015/2016:
Second Semester 20 IJl14. ,ession PG Examinations
First Semester Postgraduate
Examination 2016/2017 SESSION
Second semester examination: 2018/2019
Second semester examination: 2017/2018
First semester examination: 2018/2019.