This study examined the impact of tax revenues and tax policy reforms on economic growth ofNigeria. The specific objectives were to evaluate the impact of tax revenues on gross domestic...
The study was carried to ascertain the effect of oil and non-oil revenue of the government on economic growth of Nigeria. The scope of the research covers a period of thirty-five years...
The study investigated the effect of fiscal policies on the growth of the Nigerian economy. The objective of the study is to examine the effect of fiscal policies on the growth of the...
This study examines the application of forensic accounting in the detection and control of fraud in deposit money banks in Nigeria. The main objective of the study was to examine the...
The study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on the financial performance of firms in Nigeria (A study of Zenith Bank Nigeria Pic). The study created 3 specific...
The study examined the effect of audit committee characteristics on value relevance of financial reports of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria, utilizing time series data spanning a 7...
This research aimed at three broad objectives thus, to establish a framework that would guide accountants and managers in the application of standard costing technique to determine...
The inability of the Bank to carry out a good statutory Audit reports on cooperate dividend decision making policy has resulted in dividend and accounting failure, loss of cash, low...
This study examined corporate tax planning and financial performance of Listed Deposit Money Banks specifically Systemically Important Banks (SIBs) in Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design...
This study seeks to investigate empirically, the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance (A Study ofAccess Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, Fidelity Bank and ECO...
This work examines the effect of cash flow components on the financial performance of listed firms in Nigeria. Cash flow statement, as the third main financial statement, shows the...
This research work is on internal auditing a catalyst for improved companies’ performances, internal audit conduct many audit work to determine whether a given branch or department of a...
The basis of this research project is to evaluate the relevance of accounting practice in non-profit making organizations in Nigeria. The specific objectives are: (i) to examine how the...
This paper examined the effects (impact) of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of selected commercial banks in Nigeria with greater emphasis on maximization ofwealth,...
This research work studies the analysis of the performance of authors in private sector institutions in l^ijp But was actually designed, to examine the impacts to UTC (Nig) Pic. The main...
Over the years, taxation has been taken as a veritable source of funding public sector activities as well as being an economic tool for the management of the consumption, investment, and...
Finance is an essential feature of every organization necessary for its growth and survival. Hence, people refer to it as "the lifeblood of every business". However, the effective...
Cash management is the management of cash balances of a concern in such a manner as to maximize the availability of cash not invested in fixed assets, or inventories to avoid the...
This research work dealt on the Appraisal of Internal Control as a tool to cost reduction in the Bank industry (a case study of Uvuoma Micro-Finance. The main objective of this work was to...
The relevance of-effective accounting information system on the performance of manufacturing companies was intended to investigate the effect of mediocre arid lack of' comprehensive...
This research aimed at three broad objectives thus, to establish a framework that would guide accountants and managers in the application of standard costing technique to determine how far...
The major purpose of this work is to examine the effect of audit committee composition on listed banks performance in Nigeria because the weakness of corporate governance, the failure also...
The inability of the Bank to carry out a good statutory Audit reports on cooperate dividend decision making policy has resulted in dividend and accounting failure, loss of cash, low...
The study of the Analysis of effective inventory management as a catalyst to profitability in a manufacturing company was carried out, to assess the effective inventory management on...
The studyfocused on the examination oftax evasion and revenue generation in Enugu Statefrom 2009 — 2018. Hypotheses were formulated and tested which adopted the ex postfacto research...