The study investigated the effects of
Mind Maps Instructional Strategy on Students’ Achievement and Interest on
Measures of Central Tendency. Six research questions and six null hypotheses
guided the study. The study adopted quasi-experimental design, specifically,
the non-equivalent pre-test, post-test control group design. The population of
the study comprised two thousand nine hundred and seventy-four (2,974) Junior Secondary One (JS1) Students in the (36) Secondary Schools in Umuahia
Education Zone. Two hundred and fifteen (215) students drawn from three schools
in the Zone form the sample of the study
of which ninety-nine were male students and one hundred and sixteen were female
students. The study adopted multi-stage sampling procedure; firstly, purposive
sampling technique was employed to sample co-educational schools and simple
random sampling technique was adopted in selecting three (3) schools from the
zone, from the three sampled schools, simple random sampling technique (toss of
coin) was used in selecting intact classes of Junior Secondary one (JS1)
Students of 2018/2019 academic session for experimental and control groups. Two
validated instruments namely, Mathematics Achievement Test on Measures of
Central Tendency (MATMCT) and Mathematics Interest Scale on Measures of Central
Tendency (MISMCT) were developed by the researcher and used for the study. The
reliability of both instruments was established before commencement of
treatment. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to answer research questions
while, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was adopted in testing hypotheses at
p<.05 level of significance. The analyses of the findings revealed that mind
map instructional strategy has statistically effect on students’ interest and
achievement in measures of central tendency; it also revealed that gender had
no statistically significant effect on students’ interest and achievement and
the interaction of teaching method and gender on students’ interest and
achievement in measures of central tendency is statistically significant. The
study revealed that the use of mind maps teaching strategy enhanced the
interest and achievement of students and also mind map teaching strategy boost
the interest and achievement of both male and female students. The researcher
made some recommendations which include that teachers should adopt Mind Maps
teaching strategy in our school system; schools should make provisions for
in-service training of their teachers and authors of mathematics textbooks
should write their text to be student centered and activity-based.
ANTHONY, O (2022). The Effect Of Mind Maps On Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Interest In Mathematics In Abia State. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 09, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-mind-maps-on-junior-secondary-school-students-achievement-and-interest-in-mathematics-in-abia-state-7-2
OBINNA, ANTHONY. "The Effect Of Mind Maps On Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Interest In Mathematics In Abia State" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 15 Nov. 2022, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-mind-maps-on-junior-secondary-school-students-achievement-and-interest-in-mathematics-in-abia-state-7-2. Accessed 09 Mar. 2025.
OBINNA, ANTHONY. "The Effect Of Mind Maps On Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Interest In Mathematics In Abia State". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 15 Nov. 2022. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-mind-maps-on-junior-secondary-school-students-achievement-and-interest-in-mathematics-in-abia-state-7-2 >.
OBINNA, ANTHONY. "The Effect Of Mind Maps On Junior Secondary School Students’ Achievement And Interest In Mathematics In Abia State" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2022). Accessed 09 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/the-effect-of-mind-maps-on-junior-secondary-school-students-achievement-and-interest-in-mathematics-in-abia-state-7-2