The Photochemical, Antioxidant and Hxpoglycaemic
activities of T. procumbens aqueous and elhanoi leaf extracts was studied in
alloxan induced diabetic rats. Results obtained revealed that T. procumbens
contains phytochemicals such as alkaloids (1.39%), saponins (12.41%), steroid
(0.19%), phenol (0.16%), tannins (0.74%) and flavonoid (3.99%). The acute
toxicity value (LD™) was found to be 2300mg/kg bode' weight indicating wide
safety margin. Both aqueous and ethanol extracts of T. procumbens displayed significant
(P<0.05) hxpoglyccmic activity during the acute and sub-acute study periods.
200 and 400 mg/kg body weight of die aqueous extracts lowered glucose levels by
43.03% and 38.91% after die first two hours of administration respectively
while the same doses ofthe ethanolic extracts lowered glucose levels in
diabetic treated rates by 42.33% and 37.74% respectively during the same
period. By the end of 14 daxs of treatment, the extracts successfully returned
blood glucose level to about normal values with 400mg of ethanol extract
lowering blood glucose from 194.20 + 115.73 to 85.00 + 1.12 while the aqueous
extracts at the same dose lowered blood glucose level from 177.40 + 68.54 to
81.00 + 2.50. The hxpoglycemic activity of T. procumbens leaf extracts compared
favourably with tliat of glibenclamide (5mgkg) which lowered blood glucose from
141.00 +16.05 to 86.00 + 1.30 by the end ofthe 14th day of treatment. The
extracts also displayed strong DPPH radical scavenging activity and showed high
antilipid peroxidation activity. Results obtained therefore suggest that T.
procumbens aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts contain principles w ith strong
hypoglycaemic and antioxidant properties and could be used in the management of
diabetes mellitus.
BASSEY, B (2024). Phytochemical, Anti-Oxidant And Hypoglycaemic Activities Of Leaf Extract Of Tridaxprocumbens (Linns) On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats:- Bassey, Okechukwu P.. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 11, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/phytochemical-anti-oxidant-and-hypoglycaemic-activities-of-leaf-extract-of-tridaxprocumbens-linns-on-alloxan-induced-diabetic-rats-bassey-okechukwu-p-7-2
BASSEY, BASSEY. "Phytochemical, Anti-Oxidant And Hypoglycaemic Activities Of Leaf Extract Of Tridaxprocumbens (Linns) On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats:- Bassey, Okechukwu P." Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 Mar. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/phytochemical-anti-oxidant-and-hypoglycaemic-activities-of-leaf-extract-of-tridaxprocumbens-linns-on-alloxan-induced-diabetic-rats-bassey-okechukwu-p-7-2. Accessed 11 Mar. 2025.
BASSEY, BASSEY. "Phytochemical, Anti-Oxidant And Hypoglycaemic Activities Of Leaf Extract Of Tridaxprocumbens (Linns) On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats:- Bassey, Okechukwu P.". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 11 Mar. 2024. Web. 11 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/phytochemical-anti-oxidant-and-hypoglycaemic-activities-of-leaf-extract-of-tridaxprocumbens-linns-on-alloxan-induced-diabetic-rats-bassey-okechukwu-p-7-2 >.
BASSEY, BASSEY. "Phytochemical, Anti-Oxidant And Hypoglycaemic Activities Of Leaf Extract Of Tridaxprocumbens (Linns) On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats:- Bassey, Okechukwu P." Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 11 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/phytochemical-anti-oxidant-and-hypoglycaemic-activities-of-leaf-extract-of-tridaxprocumbens-linns-on-alloxan-induced-diabetic-rats-bassey-okechukwu-p-7-2