physico-chemical qualities of Anya stream located within Michael Okpara
University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) Ahia State Nigeria was assessed over
the duration of six (6) months starting from March to August, 2015.It was
observed that the air temperature taken was high in the month of April and low
in the month of July, water temperature measured was low in the month of May
and high in March, April and June. The turbidity of Anya stream ranged from
16.30 in the month of March and reaches its peak in the month of July while the
average Rainfall ranges from 61.70 vol/mm in April to 371.10 vol/mm in the
month of June. The pH value of the stream ranged from 6.11 in March to 8.18 in
August while the Conductivity ranges from 239.75 s/cm in August to 803.10 s/cm
in March. Total suspended solid was observed to be lowest in August (32.75
mg/I) and highest in the month of June (282.50 mg/l) while the Total dissolved
solid ranges from 350.00 mg/1 in August to 1210 mg/I in the month of March. The
acidity of the stream is high in the month of March and low in June while Total
hardness ranged from 18.62 mg/l and 39.96 mg/1 in March. The Chemical oxygen
demand (COD), Biology oxygen demand (BOD), Chloride, Sulphate and Phosphate
were observed to be low in July and high in March while Nitrate ranged from
4.30 mg/1 in July and 8.34 mg/I in April. The alkalinity of the stream was high
in June and low in March. The phenologies of eleven dominant genera were
observed in Anya stream which includes Enteromorpha, Cladophora, chlorella,
Euglena, Oedogonium, Hydrodictyon, Pandorina, Spirogyra, Cosmarium, Eudorina
and Dinobryon. Higher population of Chlorellawas recorded in most of the month
while Oedogomium and Pandorinawas sparsely observed in the stream. The amount
of water discharge velocity and transparency influence the occurrence and
abundance of algae diversity. The result revealed that the condition of this
stream in different months showed fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters
MMADUABUCHIPETER, M (2024). Physico-chemical properties and algae population in Anya stream:- Odo Mmaduabuchi P. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Jan 13, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/physico-chemical-properties-and-algae-population-in-anya-stream-odo-mmaduabuchi-p-7-2
MMADUABUCHIPETER, MMADUABUCHIPETER. "Physico-chemical properties and algae population in Anya stream:- Odo Mmaduabuchi P" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 09 Dec. 2024, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/physico-chemical-properties-and-algae-population-in-anya-stream-odo-mmaduabuchi-p-7-2. Accessed 13 Jan. 2025.
MMADUABUCHIPETER, MMADUABUCHIPETER. "Physico-chemical properties and algae population in Anya stream:- Odo Mmaduabuchi P". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 09 Dec. 2024. Web. 13 Jan. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/physico-chemical-properties-and-algae-population-in-anya-stream-odo-mmaduabuchi-p-7-2 >.
MMADUABUCHIPETER, MMADUABUCHIPETER. "Physico-chemical properties and algae population in Anya stream:- Odo Mmaduabuchi P" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2024). Accessed 13 Jan. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/physico-chemical-properties-and-algae-population-in-anya-stream-odo-mmaduabuchi-p-7-2