Microbiological and Nutritional qualities of
avocado fruit sold in Umuahia were carried out.The mean counts of the
microorganisms isolated from the avocado samples ranged as follows; total
aerobic bacterial plate count, 8.0±0.2xl03cfii/g to 2.1±0.2xl04cfu/g; Coliform
count, 0.00±0.00cfu/g to 1.6±0.2xl0cfu/g; Staphylococcus count,
4.0±0.2xl03cfu/g tol.0±0.2xl04cfu/g and the Fungal count, 6.0±0.2xl0 cfu/g to
1.35±0.2xl04cfu/g.The bacteria were Erwinia species (36%), Streptococcus
species (16%), E.coli (8%), Staphylococcus species (24%), Pseudomonas species
(12%) and Chromobacterium species (4%) which has the lowest percentage
occurence, Erwinia , Pseudomonas and Chromobacterium species were found to be
absent in the control (unriped). The fungi isolated were Aspergillus species
(40.91%), Penicillum species (27.27%), Fusarium species (18.18%) and Rhizopus
species (13.64%).The Proximate analysis was also carried out and the parameters
examined ranged as follows; moisture, 65.87±0.04% to 75.87±0.04%; total
ash,0.47±0.02% to 0.66±0.02%; crude Protein,2.79±0.01% to 3.43±0.02%;
fat,12.67±0.09% to 12.79±0.01%; crude fibre, 1.37±0.03% to 1.68±0.00% and
carbohydrate,6.67±0.11% to 15.445±0.17%. The vitamin contents were also carried
out and their mean values ranged as follows;vitaminA,124.87±0.09mg/100g to
153.765±0.19mg/100g; vitaminBi,0.029±0.004mg/100g to 0.069±0.00mg/100g;
vitaminB2,0.08±O.OOmg/100g to 0.15±0.01mg/100g; vitaminB3,1.28±0.02mg/100g to
1.58±0.02mg/100g; vitaminc6.45±0.00mg/100g to 12.82±0.03mg/100g and vitamin
E,1.87±0.04mg/100g to 2.46±0.02mg/100g. For the minerals, the parameters
examined ranged as )follows; calcium,11.94±0.00mg/100g to 16.69±0.01mg/100g;
magnesium,27.715±0.12mg/100g td 34.55±0.00mg/100g; sodium,8.60±0.00mg/l 00g to
11.515±0.007mg/100g; potassium,15.710±0.14mg/100g to 21.635±0.2mg/100g;
iron,0.455±0.007mg/l 00g to O.830±0.00mg/100g and zinc,0.525±0.07mg/l00g to
0.580±0.02mg/100g. From the experiment, it was deduced that there was much
microbial count on the deteriorated avocado sample as a result of its high
moisture content which enables the growth of microorganisms. The statistical analysis
(ANOVA) carried out on the proximate, vitamin and mineral analysis showed that
there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) among the three samples
examined and from this, it was concluded that the riped avocado sample has the
highest nutritional content.
CHIMAEZE, C (2025). Microbiological And Nutritional Qualities Of Avocado Fruit Sold In Umuahia Main Market, Umuahia, Abia State:- Chimaeze, Chinemerem K. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 13, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/microbiological-and-nutritional-qualities-of-avocado-fruit-sold-in-umuahia-main-market-umuahia-abia-state-chimaeze-chinemerem-k-7-2
CHIMAEZE, CHIMAEZE. "Microbiological And Nutritional Qualities Of Avocado Fruit Sold In Umuahia Main Market, Umuahia, Abia State:- Chimaeze, Chinemerem K" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 12 Mar. 2025, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/microbiological-and-nutritional-qualities-of-avocado-fruit-sold-in-umuahia-main-market-umuahia-abia-state-chimaeze-chinemerem-k-7-2. Accessed 13 Mar. 2025.
CHIMAEZE, CHIMAEZE. "Microbiological And Nutritional Qualities Of Avocado Fruit Sold In Umuahia Main Market, Umuahia, Abia State:- Chimaeze, Chinemerem K". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 12 Mar. 2025. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/microbiological-and-nutritional-qualities-of-avocado-fruit-sold-in-umuahia-main-market-umuahia-abia-state-chimaeze-chinemerem-k-7-2 >.
CHIMAEZE, CHIMAEZE. "Microbiological And Nutritional Qualities Of Avocado Fruit Sold In Umuahia Main Market, Umuahia, Abia State:- Chimaeze, Chinemerem K" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2025). Accessed 13 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/microbiological-and-nutritional-qualities-of-avocado-fruit-sold-in-umuahia-main-market-umuahia-abia-state-chimaeze-chinemerem-k-7-2