Urinary tract infections “UTIs” are one ofthe frequently encountered problems facing the family physician. The study is aimed at identification of bacteria isolates from urinary tract...
Toothbrushes are an environment for transfer ofmicrobes, their retention and growth. The aim of the study was to identify the bacteria load of contaminated toothbrushes, isolate...
This study characterized Escherichia coli and Enterococcus species isolated from cattle dung. A total of live (5) fresh cattle dung samples were collected from cattle ranches within...
Staphylococcus aureus infections are a burden to healthcare systems. Species ofS. aureus resistant to methicillin has become a threat in many developing countries. This study hence...
The aim ofthe study is the effect of probiotics in fermented foods sold in Umuahia, Abia State.A total five (5) fermented food samples sold in Umuhaia, Abia State was purchased from...
Honey is not only a delicious food but are also known for its health and healing properties, it has the ability to inhibit microorganisms including bacteria, spoilage fungi, yeast and...
A total offive (5) samples ofswimming pools from 5 different hotels in Umuahia were analysed for microbiological and physicochemical parameters. Bacterial isolates in these pool samples...
Tomato contains large amount ofwater which makes it more susceptible to spoilage by fungi. These fungi that spoil tomatoes produce mycotoxins that are detrimental to human health. This...
Safe water is a precondition for health and development and is a basic human right, yet it is still denied to hundreds of millions of people throughout the developing world. This study...
This study assessed isolation and characteristics of micro organinism from formites (Door Handles) of female students of Michael Okpara University of Agricutlture, Umudike. The...
Second hand clothes (SHC) are clothing items that have previously been used by one person earlier to the present user. This used clothes becomes potential transfer agents of...
This study isolated and determined the microbiological quality and biochemical constituents of fermented mushroom and identified the different microorganism involved in fermentation of...
Inadequate power supply has been a problem in some developing countries example Nigeria so* therefore there is need for provision of other sources of power supply which involves the use of...
This study determined the antibiotics susceptibility pattern and plasmid profile of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from nasal passages of students in Michael...
The plant Andrographicspaniculata has a high antimicrobial activity against selective food borne pathogens such as Staphylococcus sp, Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, Bacillus sp, Shigella...
Hand hygiene, particularly hand sanitizing, is essential in reducing infectious disease transmission. The recent outbreak of corona around the world both increased public awareness of the...
Soap is defined as a chemical compound resulting from the interaction offatty acids, water, oil and salt. The study was aimed at determining the antimicrobial activity of bathing...
The emergence of food poisoning pandemics around the world has raised public awareness of food safety and demanded better control of processing conditions to ensure safe and high quality...
The biocontrol potentials of Bacteriocin Producing Rhizospheric Bacteria Isolates of Tumeric Plants was Studied. Rhizosperic Soil of the Tumeric Plant were analyzed for bacteria flora,...
Ugba is a traditional food generally prepared in homes as a small family business. It's method of preparation varies from one place to another resulting· in a non-uniform product. This...
This stu y eva uae t e actcrial contamination of toilet door handles of public offices within, Umudi e, ia a e. tota ten (10) public offices were randomly selected within Umudike and its...
The antibiogram of enterobactercacae isolated from reaHv m fifteen (15) vended fruit samples comprising of watermelon naw-' 1“Vestlgated’ A total of Five bacteria isolates which belong to...
This study was aimed at isolating and identifying the microorganisms associated with the traditional fennentation of millet/sorghum for the production of ogi. The method used were...
Five samples of powdered milk collected from retailed shops in the market were analysed for microbial quality. The milks were tested for total aerobic count (TAC), coliform counts...
This study examines the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Practical year students and MOUAU farm staff. 50 nasal swabs, 15 MOUAU Staff and...