This study evaluated the microbiological quality
of poultry feeds sold in Umuahia, Abia State. Three (3) different feed brands
(Top, Vital and Hybrid feeds) comprising of four (4) different feed types
(Starter, Growers, Finisher and layers) each were collected using sterile
plastic containers. The sarnple_s were labeled and _taken to the laboratory for
microbiological analysis. From this study a total of six (6) bacteria strains
and four (4) fungal species were obtained and identified using morphological
characteristics, pigmentation on media, microscopy, biochemical and sugar
fermentation methods. This reveals the major bacterial isolates. to belong to
Salmonella sp Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas sp, Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella sp, and Shigella sp respectively, whereas the fungal isolates belongs
to Asper gillus flavus, Aspergillus niger Rhodotorula spp. and Rhizopus
stolonizer. The total heterotrophic plate count ranged from 3.15x 10cfu/g to
9.40x10cfu/g. The total coliform plate count ranged from 3.60x10cfu/g to
9.40x10cfu/g. The total salmonella shigella plate count ranged from
7.55x10cfu/g to 7.15x 10cfu/g. The total staphyloccocus plate count ranged from
7.00x 10cfu/g to 5.90x10Pcfu/g. The total fungal plate count ranged from 3.15x
10cfu/g to 9.40x IQ5cfu/g. It was observed that Escherichia coli was the most
frequently occurring isolates from the various poultry feeds samples with a
percentage occurrence of (15.2%), followed by Staphylococcus aureus and
Salmonella sp with a percentage occurrence of (13.6%), Aspergillus niger with a
percentage occurrence of (12.1%), Aspergillus flavus, Klebsiella sp and
Shigella sp with an occurrence of (10.6%), Rhodotorula sp with a percentage
occurrence of (6.1 %), then Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a percentage occurrence
of ( 4 .5% ), whereas Rhizopus Stolonizer had the least percentage occurrence
of (3.0%). It was observed that among the three different feed brands
investigated, the Hybrid feed had the highest number of microorganisms with 26
representing (39.4%), followed by Top feed with 21 representing (31.8%), while
the least distribution was found in Vital feed sample with 19 representing
(28.8%). From the obtained results, it was concluded that the microbiological
quality of the poultry feeds is poor as 'the feeds harbored many different
bacterial and fungal species at varying levels of occurrences.
CATHERINE, U (2025). Isolation Of Microorganisms Associated With Different Poultry Feeds:- Chijioke, Catherine U. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 04, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/isolation-of-microorganisms-associated-with-different-poultry-feeds-chijioke-catherine-u-7-2
UCHECHI, CATHERINE. "Isolation Of Microorganisms Associated With Different Poultry Feeds:- Chijioke, Catherine U" Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 03 Mar. 2025, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/isolation-of-microorganisms-associated-with-different-poultry-feeds-chijioke-catherine-u-7-2. Accessed 04 Mar. 2025.
UCHECHI, CATHERINE. "Isolation Of Microorganisms Associated With Different Poultry Feeds:- Chijioke, Catherine U". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 03 Mar. 2025. Web. 04 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/isolation-of-microorganisms-associated-with-different-poultry-feeds-chijioke-catherine-u-7-2 >.
UCHECHI, CATHERINE. "Isolation Of Microorganisms Associated With Different Poultry Feeds:- Chijioke, Catherine U" Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2025). Accessed 04 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/isolation-of-microorganisms-associated-with-different-poultry-feeds-chijioke-catherine-u-7-2