Determination Of The Thermophysical Properties Of Three Species Of Yam (Dioscorea Cayenensis,, Dioscorea Rotundata And Dioscorea Alata) Grown In Umudike.

EMEME | 50 pages (8628 words) | Projects
Food Science and Technology | Co Authors: Nwaobiara Maryann


Thermo physical properties of yam species Dioscorea cayenensis, D. rotundata and D. alata were studied using the line heat source method at one moisture level. The temperature profile was measured by a 4 way data copper thermocouple HH.147 and used to <lelermine the specific heat, the thermal conductivity, density and thermal diffusivity. The moisture obtained were 79%, 81% and 85%; density were 6187.05kg/m', 6269.62kg/m° and 6309.35kg/m 3 respectively for D. cayenensis, D. rotunda/a and D. alata, the specific heat was 3.451kj/kg 0c, 3.55lkjlkg°C and 3.685kj/kg°C; the thermal conductivity values obtained were 0.751 W/mk, 0.929W/mk and 1.124W/mk; and the diffusivity for the yam tubers are 3.5xl0'5nt2/s, 4.l7xl0·5m2/s and 4.83xl0'5m2/s respectively. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the thermo-physical properties of the yam tubers except in the moisture content, the result also showed a correlation between the thermal properties and moisture level in the various yam species. The overall results are an indication that yam is a poor conductor of heat


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EMEME, E (2023). Determination Of The Thermophysical Properties Of Three Species Of Yam (Dioscorea Cayenensis,, Dioscorea Rotundata And Dioscorea Alata) Grown In Umudike.. Retrieved Jul 27, 2024, from

MLA 8th

EMEME, EMEME. "Determination Of The Thermophysical Properties Of Three Species Of Yam (Dioscorea Cayenensis,, Dioscorea Rotundata And Dioscorea Alata) Grown In Umudike.", 10 Oct. 2023, Accessed 27 Jul. 2024.


EMEME, EMEME. "Determination Of The Thermophysical Properties Of Three Species Of Yam (Dioscorea Cayenensis,, Dioscorea Rotundata And Dioscorea Alata) Grown In Umudike.".,, 10 Oct. 2023. Web. 27 Jul. 2024. < >.


EMEME, EMEME. "Determination Of The Thermophysical Properties Of Three Species Of Yam (Dioscorea Cayenensis,, Dioscorea Rotundata And Dioscorea Alata) Grown In Umudike." (2023). Accessed 27 Jul. 2024.

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