Design And Performance Evaluation Of A Cassava Peeling Machine

ESENAMUNJOR | 85 pages (16308 words) | Theses
Mechanical Engineering | Co Authors: TEMIDAYO CLEMENT


The study developed and carried out a performance evaluation of a centrifugally operated cassava peeling machine. The machine was produced because of the enormous potentials inherent in cassava processing into various foods and raw materials for industries. The machine consists of the peeling chamber using a perforated stainless-steel plate as an abrasive surface, water system, support, 1hp electric motor and a speed reducer. The machine was designed using Solid works software. The machine was evaluated based on varied cassava root mass, diameter and residence time on performance indicators (proportion by weight, peeling efficiency and throughput capacity). The machine performance evaluation gave an average peeling efficiency of 87%, 105.10 kg/hr throughput capacity and 0.22Kg average flesh loss, across all varieties. Results show that the machine is affordable and efficient. The study recommends further studies on the modeling of the cassava peeling process. The work should take into consideration the physical parameters of cassava root; towards identifying the flaws such irregular cassava root shape, varying cassava root diameter and length and improvement in the machine design to accommodate these parameters.






Cover Page                                                                                                                              i

Title Page                                                                                                                                ii

Declaration                                                                                                                              iii

Certification                                                                                                                            iv

Dedication                                                                                                                              v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                vii-ix

List of Tables                                                                                                                          x

List of Figures                                                                                                                      xi-xii

List of Plates                                                                                                                           xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xiv



1.1              Background of Study                                                                                                 1

1.1.1    Manual Method                                                                                                          2

1.1.2    Chemical Method                                                                                                       2

1.1.3    Steaming Method                                                                                                       3

1.1.4    Mechanical Method                                                                                                    3

1.1.5    Utilization of Cassava                                                                                                 4

1.1.6        Processed Cassava Utilization                                                                                    5

1.1.7        Cassava Processing                                                                                                     6

1.2      Statement of Problem                                                                                                     8

1.3      Aim and Objectives of Study                                                                                         9

1.4       Scope of Study                                                                                                           9

1.5   Justification of the Study                                                                                               10



2.1       Review of Cassava Root Mechanized Peeling Machines in Nigeria                          11

2.2       Cassava Root Engineering Properties Affecting Mechanization                                               18



3.1       Materials                                                                                                                     23

3.1.1    Description of Cassava Peeler                                                                        24

3.1.2    Principle of Operation                                                                                                 26

3.1.3    Material Selection                                                                                                       27

3.1.4    Material Selection Criteria                                                                                          27

3.2       Methods                                                                                                                      28

3.2.1    Machine Fabrication                                                                                                   28

3.3       Machine Design Considerations                                                                                 30

3.3.1    Machine Design                                                                                                          33

3.4       Performance Test and Evaluation of the Cassava Peeling Machine                           36

3.5       Cost Benefit Analysis                                                                                                 37



4.1       Parameters for Performance Evaluation                                                                     39

4.2       Performance Evaluation of the Cassava Peeling Machine                                          40

4.2.1    Performance Evaluation of the Cassava Peeling Machine Using Data Envelop        41

Analysis Software

4.3       Cost Evaluation of the Cassava Peeling Machine                                                      58

4.4       Cost Benefit Analysis of the Cassava Peeling Machine                                             58


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  61

5.1.1    Contributions to Knowledge                                                                                      61

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      62


References                                                                                                                              63

Appendix                                                                                                                                68
























2.1       Some Mechanical and Physical Cassava Root Properties for Mechanization               19

Process Model.


4.1       Varieties and parameters for performance evaluation of the cassava                         39

peeling machine         

4.2       Results of the performance evaluation of the cassava peeling machine                     41

4.3       Machine Design Parameters                                                                                        56

4.4       Bill of engineering measurement and evaluation (BEME)                                         58

4.5       Analysis of Initial Investment cost and payback period of cassava                           60

Peeling machine

4.6       Analysis of benefit-cost ratio of cassava peeling machine                                         60






















1.1       Morphology of cassava root                                                                                       7

3.1       Sectional view of the fabricated cassava peeling machine                                         25

3.2       Isometric view of the fabricated cassava peeling machine                                         26

3.3       Machine abrasive base plate projections                                                                     29

3.4       Projections of the peeling drum                                                                                  29

3.5       Knuckle joint projections                                                                                            30

3.6       BOQ of the fabricated cassava peeling machine                                                        31

3.7       Orthographic projection of the fabricated cassava peeling machine                          31

4.1       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30572           42

with root diameter 25mm

4.2       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30572           42

with root diameter 35mm

4.3       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30572           43

with root diameter 45mm

4.4       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30572           44

with root diameter 50mm

4.5       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TME419               45

with root diameter 25mm

4.6       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TME419               46

with root diameter 35mm

4.7       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TME419               46

with root diameter 45mm


4.8       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TME419               57

with root diameter 50mm

4.9       Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30555           47

with root diameter 25mm

4.10     Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30555           48

with root diameter 35mm

4.11     Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30555           49

with root diameter 45mm

4.12     Actual and target machine parameters values for cassava variety TMS30555           49

with root diameter 50mm

4.13     Effect of time of peel on mass of peeled root                                                                        50

4.14     Effect of time of peel on mass of peel retained                                                          50

4.15     Effect of time of peel on root loss                                                                              51

4.16     Effect of time of peel on peeling efficiency                                                               51

4.17     Effect of time of peel on machine throughput capacity                                             52

4.18     Effect of root size on mass of peel retained                                                               52

4.19     Effect of root size on root loss                                                                                   53

4.20     Effect of root size on peeling efficiency                                                                    53

4.21     Effect of root size on machine throughput capacity                                                   54

4.22     Effect of mass of cassava on mass of peel retained                                                   54

4.23     Effect of mass of cassava on root loss                                                                        55

4.24     Effect of mass of cassava on peeling efficiency                                                         55

4.25     Machine SF and BM diagram                                                                                     57





3.1       Picture of the fabricated cassava peeling machine                                                     32

3.2       Picture of the fabricated cassava peeling machine with some of its peeled               32


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ESENAMUNJOR, E (2023). Design And Performance Evaluation Of A Cassava Peeling Machine. Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from

MLA 8th

ESENAMUNJOR, ESENAMUNJOR. "Design And Performance Evaluation Of A Cassava Peeling Machine", 07 Sep. 2023, Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.


ESENAMUNJOR, ESENAMUNJOR. "Design And Performance Evaluation Of A Cassava Peeling Machine".,, 07 Sep. 2023. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < >.


ESENAMUNJOR, ESENAMUNJOR. "Design And Performance Evaluation Of A Cassava Peeling Machine" (2023). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.

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