Comparative Study of the Chemical Compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea, Top tea and the Leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa oleifera:- Uwadilachi, Grace A.

GRACE A | 45 pages (9486 words) | Projects
Chemistry | Co Authors: UWADILACHI


A comparative study of the chemical compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea,Top tea and the leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa o/eifera was carried out. Results of the phytochemical compositions revealed that Moringa oleifera leaves contained the highest amount of alkaloids (1.31±0.042mg/ 100g), saponins (1.25±40.014 mg/l OOg),flavonoids ( 1.07±0.02 I mg/I OOg), and HCN (3.84±0.007mg/ I OOg),while lipton tea contained the least alkaloids (0.17±0.01 mg/I OOg), flavonoids (0.66±0.028 mg/I 00g),HCN (0.1740.021mg/100g). Top tea contained the highest tannins ( 1.37±0.01 4mg/ I OOg) while Dialium guineense leaves contained the least tannins (1.07±0.014mg/ 1 00g).Results of the vitamin compositions showed that Moringa oleifera leaves contained the highest amount of vitamin A (3.75±0.042mg/100g), while top tea contained the least (1.19±0.014mg/l00g). Dialium guineense leaves contained the highest ascorbic acid (26.28±0.735mg/l OOg), while top tea contained the least (5.28±0.028mg/l 00g). Moringa oleifera leaves contained the highest amount of vitamin E (6.3l±0.014mg/100g) while Dialium guineense leaves contained the least (2.52±40.106mg/100g).The results of micro and macronutrients revealed that Moringa oleifera leaves contained the highest nutrients, Zn( 1.85±0.0 I 4mg/ I OOg), Fe(2. 1 7±0.01 4mg/ I OOg), Na( 68.37±0.106mg/ I 00g), Ca(l 06.87 ± 0.183mg/l00g), K(128.37±0.52 mg/100g),P(43.69 ±0.127mg/100g),Mg(53.53 ±0.098mg/100g) while top tea contained the least amounts of Zn(0.48 ±0.000mg /100g), Na(16.46 ±0.056 mg /100g), Ca(21.41±0.091mg/l00g) and lipton tea contained the least amounts or Fe(0.77 ±0.014mg /100g), K(33.66 ±0.735mg /100g),P(14.2940.014mg/100g)and Dialium guineense leaves contained the least amounts of Mg(28.82 ±0.593mg /I OOg).Na:K of Moringa tea(0.72:lmg/IOOg), Lipton tea(0.61:1mg/l00g),Moringa oleifera leaves (0.53:lmg /lOOg),Top tea(0.46: I mg/I OOg) and Dialium guineense leaves (0.39: I mg/I OOg).Ca:Mg of Dialium guineense ,leaves (2.72: 1mg /1 00g),Moringa oleifera leaves(2.00: I mg/1 00g),Lipton tea(0.64: I mg/ l 00g),Moringa tea(0.54: I mg/ l 00g) and Top tea(0.49: I mg/I OOg).Ca:P of Moringa oleifera leaves (2.45:lmg/IOOg), Dialium gttineense leaves (2.22:lmg/lOOg), Lipton tea (1.73: 1mg/100g), Moringa tea( 1.38: I mg/100g) and Top tea( 1.28: i mg/1 OOg).

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GRACE, A (2023). Comparative Study of the Chemical Compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea, Top tea and the Leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa oleifera:- Uwadilachi, Grace A.. Retrieved Jan 16, 2025, from

MLA 8th

A, GRACE. "Comparative Study of the Chemical Compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea, Top tea and the Leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa oleifera:- Uwadilachi, Grace A.", 20 Dec. 2023, Accessed 16 Jan. 2025.


A, GRACE. "Comparative Study of the Chemical Compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea, Top tea and the Leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa oleifera:- Uwadilachi, Grace A.".,, 20 Dec. 2023. Web. 16 Jan. 2025. < >.


A, GRACE. "Comparative Study of the Chemical Compositions of Moringa tea, Lipton tea, Top tea and the Leaves of Dialium guineense and Moringa oleifera:- Uwadilachi, Grace A." (2023). Accessed 16 Jan. 2025.

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