Assessment Of Nutrient Contribution And Cassava/Maize Yields In 3 and 4-Year Old Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. Schum.) Based Agroforestry Systems In Abia State, Nigeria

ANTHONY IKECHUKWU | 289 pages (76870 words) | Dissertations



Agroforestry tree species perform differently in terms of nutrient contributions, promotion of crops yields, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and ecological services. Trials were conducted on quantity of leaf litter production, rate of leaf litter decomposition and nutrient content return of T. scleroxylon. Litter trays and litter bags methods harvested monthly were used to study leaf litter fall and leaf litter decomposition respectively in a single-factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications within the plantation.  The coefficient of determination (R2) and decomposition constant (k) of T. scleroxylon leaf litter were determined using regression graphs. A 2x3x2 factorial experiment in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used to determine the effects of T. scleroxylon leaf litter nutrient contribution to soil fertility and cassava/maize yields in monocrop and intercrop systems in a 3/4 year old T. scleroxylon-based agroforestry in 2019 and 2020 respectively with a 7 year old bushfallow land as control at the Humid Forest Research Station, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Okwuta-Ibeku, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria. Results showed significant differences (P<0.05) in the monthly means of T. scleroxylon litter production of 2019 and 2020 respectively while no significant differences (P>0.05) occurred between the yearly means litter production of 2019 and 2020. The dry season months of November – March had litter production ranging from 174.07-724.53 kgha-1 in 2019 and 199.47-1485.10 kgha-1 in 2020 which were higher than the rainy season months of April – October at the ranges of 35.80 - 174.07 kgha-1 in 2019 and 85.45 - 220.00 kgha-1 in 2020. Total leaf litter decomposition (100%) of T. scleroxylon surface-placement method was observed at the 8th month (32 weeks) after commencement of the trials in 1st January 2019 and 2020 respectively. The coefficient of determination (R2), decomposition constant (k), C:N ratio, time to 50, 95 and 99% decay for leaf litter of T. scleroxylon in 2019 and 2020 were 0.76 and 0.80; 2.39 and 1.95; 2.:1 and 2:1; 0.29 and 0.36; 1.25 and 1.54; 1.92 and 2.36 respectively. The results of P, K, Ca and Mg content in the leaf litters between 2019 and 2020 were significantly different (P<0.05) while N, OC, OM and pH were not significantly different (P>0.05).  The presence of T. scleroxylon litter in the T. scleroxylon agroforestry system increased cassava tuber yields over the yields in the bushfallow plot (control) in cassava monocropping and cassava/maize intercropping systems in the 2019/2020 cropping seasons. Irrespective of treatments, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the yearly mean yields of maize cobs and maize heights in the T. scleroxylon agroforestry system and bushfallow plot (control). T. scleroxylon being rich in organic matter, N, P, K, Mg and Ca minerals contributes remarkably in soil fertility improvement, and cassava and maize yields. In conclusion, farmers and stakeholders in agriculture should adopt and promote T. scleroxylon species respectively in their farming systems and plantation establishments.


Cover page                                                                                                                             

Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                          iii

Dedication                                                                                                                            iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                 v

Table of contents                                                                                                                  vi

Abstract                                                                                                                             xvii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                          1

1.1: Background information                                                                                                 1

1.2: Statement of the problem                                                                                                           3

1.3: Objectives of the study                                                                                                   5

1.4  :Justification of the study                                                                                                5

1.5  :Scope of the study                                                                                                          7

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                              8

2.1: Agroforestry                                                                                                                   8

2.1.1: Classification of agroforestry systems and practices                                                 11

2.1.2: Roles of agroforestry in forest management                                                              17 Carbon cycle                                                                                                           17 Biodiversity conservation                                                                                        19 Healthy forest ecosystem                                                                                        20 Socio-economic benefits                                                                                         21 Wood and non-timber products                                                                              22

2.1.3: Plant species used in agroforestry ecosystem                                                             23

2.2: Littterfall and litter production                                                                                     26

2.2.1: Types and sources of leaf litter                                                                                  28

2.2.2: Litter decomposition                                                                                                  29

2.2.3: Rate of litter decomposition                                                                                       31 Some factors influencing litter decomposition rate                                                 32 Climatic condition                                                                                              32 Substrate quality                                                                                                   33    Microbial activities                                                                                            36

2.2.4: Methods for estimating litter decomposition                                                             37 Mass balance                                                                                                           38 Litterbags                                                                                                               38 Tethered Leaves Technique                                                                                    39 Cohort layered screen                                                                                              40

2.3: Litterfall as part of nutrient cycle                                                                                  40

2.3.1: Nutrient accretion to soil through litterfall                                                                 41

2.4: Benefits of litter production and nutrient cycling                                                         42

2.4.1: Degraded site restoration/erosion                                                                               43

2.4.2: Importance of litterfall on growth and yield of forest species                                   44

2.5: Application of fertilizers on arable crops production in agroforestry ecosystem          45

2.5.1: Effect of organic fertilizers on arable crop production in agroforestry ecosystem   46

2.5.2: Combination of inorganic fertilizers and organic fertilizers/manures                         48

2.6: Crops yields in agroforestry                                                                                        49

2.7: Soil fertility conditions in the tropics                                                                            50

2.7.1: Influence of trees on soil fertility                                                                               52

2.8: Agroforestry and climate change                                                                                  55

2.9: Trees and soil biodiversity                                                                                             57

2.10: Description of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                      58

2.10.1: Propagation of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                 59

2.10.2: Roles of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                           60

2.11: Origin of maize (Zea mays L.)                                                                                   60

2.11.1: Ecology of maize                                                                                                     62

2.11.2: Utilization of maize                                                                                                  63

2.12: The Origin, domestication and distribution of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)  64

2.12.1: Classification of cassava                                                                                         64

2.12.2: Flowering habit of cassava                                                                                       65

2.12.3: Importance of cassava                                                                                              67

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                69

3.1: Study location                                                                                                               69

3.2:      Methodology                                                                                                          73

3.2.1: Stand structure of Triplochiton scleroxylon plantation at Okwuta-Ibeku, Umuahia,  

          Nigeria                                                                                                                       73


3.2.2: Experiment 1: Leaf litter production of Triplochiton scleroxylon in 2019 and

          2020                                                                                                                           74 Determination of pH level of T. scleroxylon leaflitter                                            75 Determination of total Nitrogen (N) content of T. scleroxylon leaflitter           75 Determination of Organic Carbon (OC) and organic matter (OM) content of      

            T. scleroxylon leaflitter                                                                                            76 Macro minerals (Ca, Mg, P and K) content of T. scleroxylon leaflitter                  77 Nutrients returns of Triplochyton scleroxylon leaf litter                                       77

3.2.3:   Experiment 2: Leaf litter decomposition studies                                                     79 Regression equation of litter decomposition rates                                                  81

3.2.4: Experiment 3: Determination of the contribution of T. scleroxylon to                         

soil fertility in cassava and maize production system in Okwuta-Ibeku,          Umuahia,  Abia State                                                                                    81 Soil samples preparation                                                                                         82 Determination of soil pH                                                                                        82 Determination of soil Organic Carbon (OC) and organic matter (OM)                 83 Determination of cation exchange capacity of Soil Sample                                   83 Determination of exchangeable base of sodium and potassium in                                

            soil sample                                                                                                                84 Determination of exchangeable base of ca and mg in soil sample                          85 Soil particle size determination                                                                               86 Heavy metal analysis:                                                                                            87 Determination of total Nitrogen                                                                             87

3.2.5: Experiment 4: Establishment of cassava (var. TMS 05-1636) and maize (var.  

        Oba super 6) monocrop and intercrop plots under T. scleroxylon plantation in         88

        Okwuta-Ibeku, Umuahia, Abia State Cultural practices                                                                                                    88   Treatment combinations of factors at the T. scleroxylon agroforestry                 89 Treatment combinations of factors at the bush fallow land                                   89

3.2.6: Yield parameters of cassava and maize in T. scleroxylon agroforestry system

          in Okwuta-Ibeku, Umuahia, Abia State                                                                     90


3.3: Statistical analysis                                                                                                         94



CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                                 95


4.1: Results                                                                                                                          95


4.1.1:   Leaf litterfall of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                95


4.1.2: Leaf litter decomposition rates of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                     97 Cumulative leaf litter decomposition rates in 2019 and 2020                                97 Coefficient of determination (R2), decomposition constants (k), C: N ratio time to                 

            50, 95, and 99% decay for leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon in 2019 and                

            2020 in Umuahia                                                                                                    100


4.1.3:   Nutrient composition of leaf litter Of Triplochiton scleroxylon stand in

           Okwuta- Ibeku Umuahia, Nigeria                                                                          101 Nitrogen (N) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon          101 Phosphorus (P) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton   

               Scleroxylon                                                                                                          103 Potassium (K) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon   105 Calcium (Ca) (g/kg) contents of leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon          107 Magnesium (Mg) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of T. scleroxylon             109 Organic Carbon (OC) (%) contents of the leaf litter of T. scleroxylon                111 Organic Matter (OM) (%) contents of the leaf litter of T. scleroxylon                113 pH levels of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                        115

4.1.4:   Pre- and post harvest soil physico-chemical properties in Triplochiton  

            scleroxylon agroforestry and Bushfallow Plots at Umuahia                                 117 physico-chemical properties of soil in Triplochiton scleroxylon     

            Agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                                     117 physico-chemical properties of soil in Triplochiton scleroxylon   

             agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                                     119 Post-harvest pH levels of soils                                                                          119 Post-harvest cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soils                                 123  Post-harvest Organic Carbon (OC) (%) contents of soils                                 127           Post-harvest Organic Matter (OM) (%) contents of soils                                  131  Post-harvest total Nitrogen (TN) (mg/kg) contents of soils                              135             Post-harvest Phosphorus (P) (mg/kg) contents of soils                                     139 Post-harvest exchangeable Calcium (Ca2+)(meq/100 g soil) contents of soils  143              Post-harvest exchangeable Magnesium (Mg2+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of   

                soils                                                                                                                    147 Post-harvest exchangeable Potassium (K+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of soils 151 Post-harvest exchangeable Sodium (Na+) ((meq/100 g soil)) contents of  

                 soils                                                                                                                   155 Post-harvest Iron (Fe) (mg/kg) contents of soils                                       159 2: Post-harvest Copper (Cu) (mg/kg) contents of soils                                      163 3: Post-harvest Manganese (Mn) (mg/kg) contents of the soils                         167 Post-harvest Zinc (Zn) (mg/kg) contents of soils                                            171


4.1.5: Cassava tuber yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow        

         plots in 2019 and 2020 cropping seasons in Umuahia                                             175


4.1.6: Maize cob yields in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow     

         plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                                                                          179


4.1.7: Maize stalk drymatter in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow

         plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                                                                          182


4.1.8: Maize plants heights (cm) in 2019 and 2020 cropping season in the         

          Triplochiton  scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia           186


4.2:   Discussion                                                                                                                190


4.2.1: Leaf litter production of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                  190


4.2.2: Leaf litter decomposition rates of Triplochiton scleroxylon                                   192 


4.2.3: Nutrient composition of leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon in    

         the Humid Forest Research Station, Umuahia, Nigeria                                       195 Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) contents of the leaf litter of   

             Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                                       195 Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton  

            Scleroxylon                                                                                                            198 Organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM) and pH levels of the leaf litter of              

             Triplochiton scleroxylon                                                                                       199 physico-chemical properties of soil in Triplochiton scleroxylon

            agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                                     200 Effect of cassava/maize cropping systems on soil chemical parameters during      

             and over 2019 and 2020 cropping seasons in Triplochiton scleroxylon       

             agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                                     202


4.2.5:Cassava tuber yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and                  

         bush fallow farm ecosystems in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia                                   207


4.2.6: Maize cobs mass, stovers and height yields in the Triplochiton scleroxylon

        agroforestry and Bush fallow farm ecosycstems in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia      208



CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                       210

5.1: Conclusion                                                                                                                  210

5.2: Recommendations                                                                                                      211

References                                                                                                                         212




































2.1: Preferred Agroforestry species in Nigeria                                                                    25

3.1: Monthly climatic variables in 2019 and 2020 at the study site in

        the Humid Forest Research Station, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN),       

        Umuahia, Nigeria                                                                                                         71


4.1: Monthly mean leaf litter production of Triplochiton scleroxylon plantation  

        in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia                                                                                      96


4.2: Leaf litter decomposition percentages of Triplochiton scleroxylon leaf litter

        at the Triplochiton scleroxylon  plantation in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia                  98


4.3: Coefficient of determination (R2), Decomposition constants (k), C:N ratio       

       time to 50, 95, and 99% decay for leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon in 2019

       and 2020 in Umuahia                                                                                                  100


4.4: Nitrogen (N) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon                102

4.5: Phosphorus (P) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of T. scleroxylon                             104


4.6: Potassium (K) (gkg-1) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon            106

4.7: Calcium (Ca) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon               108

4.8: Magnesium (Mg) (g/kg) contents of the leaf litter of T. scleroxylon                         110

4.9: Organic carbon (OC) (%) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton

       scleroxylon                                                                                                                  112


4.10: Organic matter (OM)(%) contents of the leaf litter of Triplochiton 

          Scleroxylon                                                                                                              114


4.11: pH levels of the leaf litter of Triplochiton scleroxylon in 2019 and 2020 at

        Umuahia                                                                                                                    116


4.12: Pre-planting physico-chemical properties of soil in Triplochiton scleroxylon    

          agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                                        118


4.13: Post-harvest pH levels of soil in Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and    

        bushfallow  plot s at Umuahia                                                                                   122                                                             


4.14: Post-harvest cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soils in Triplochiton   

        scleroxylon  agroforestry and bushfallow plots  at Umuahia                                    126


4.15: Post-harvest organic carbon (OC) (%) contents of soils in Triplochiton  

        scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                      130                  


4.16: Post-harvest organic matter (OM) (%) contents of soils in Triplochiton   

          scleroxylon   agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                           134


4.17: Post-harvest Total Nitrogen (N) (mg/kg) contents of soils in Triplochiton  

         scleroxylon  agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                    138


4.18: Post-harvest Phosphorus (P) (mg/kg) contents of soils in Triplochiton     

        scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                      142       


4.19: Post-harvest Exchangeable Calcium (Ca2+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of soils in    

         Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                 146


4.20: Post-harvest Exchangeable Magnesium (Mg2+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of

        soils in Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plot at     

        Umuahia                                                                                                                    150  


4.21: Post-harvest Exchangeable Potassium (K+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of soils in    

         Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                 154


4.22: Post-harvest Exchangeable Sodium (Na+) (meq/100 g soil) contents of soils in  

         Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                 158


4.23: Post-harvest Iron (Fe) (mg/kg) contents of soils in Triplochiton scleroxylon  

         agroforestry  and bushfallow plots at Umuahia                                                        162                                                                   


4.24: Post-harvest Copper (Cu) (mg/kg) contents of soils in T. scleroxylon

         agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                                        166


4.25: Post-harvest Manganese (Mn) (mg/kg) contents of soils in Triplochiton   

        scleroxylon  agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                     170               


4.26 :Post-harvest  Zinc (Zn) (mg/kg) contents of soils in T. scleroxylon agroforestry 

         and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                                                             174


4.27: Cassava tuber yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bush   

        fallow plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                                                               177


4.28: Maize cob yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and Bush

        fallow plots in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia                                                                180


4.29: Maize stalk dry matter (DM) (stover) yield at the Triplochiton scleroxylon      

         agroforestry and bushfallow plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                            184


4.30: Maize plants heights (cm) in 2019 and 2020 cropping season in the                                   

        Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia           188










3.1: Location map of the study area in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria                                72


4.1: Biomass remaining in the litter bags at various time (Month) intervals for  

      Triplochiton scleroxylon leaf litter decomposition experiments in 2019 and                         

      2020                                                                                                                               99   


4.10: Cassava tuber yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and

        bushfallow plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                                                        178


4.11: Maize cob yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry and Bush fallow           

        plots in 2019 and 2020 at Umuahia                                                                           181


4.12: Maize stalk dry matter yield in the Triplochiton scleroxylon agroforestry               

        and Bush Fallow plots in 2019 and 2020 in Umuahia                                               185


4.13: Maize plants heights (cm) in 2019 and 2020 cropping season in the T.   

        scleroxylon agroforestry and bushfallow plots in Umuahia                                      189









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ANTHONY, I (2023). Assessment Of Nutrient Contribution And Cassava/Maize Yields In 3 and 4-Year Old Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. Schum.) Based Agroforestry Systems In Abia State, Nigeria. Retrieved Jan 02, 2025, from

MLA 8th

IKECHUKWU, ANTHONY. "Assessment Of Nutrient Contribution And Cassava/Maize Yields In 3 and 4-Year Old Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. Schum.) Based Agroforestry Systems In Abia State, Nigeria", 19 Jul. 2023, Accessed 02 Jan. 2025.


IKECHUKWU, ANTHONY. "Assessment Of Nutrient Contribution And Cassava/Maize Yields In 3 and 4-Year Old Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. Schum.) Based Agroforestry Systems In Abia State, Nigeria".,, 19 Jul. 2023. Web. 02 Jan. 2025. < >.


IKECHUKWU, ANTHONY. "Assessment Of Nutrient Contribution And Cassava/Maize Yields In 3 and 4-Year Old Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. Schum.) Based Agroforestry Systems In Abia State, Nigeria" (2023). Accessed 02 Jan. 2025.

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