Climate Change Impact And Adaptation Opportunities In Communities Around Itu Bridge-Head In Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria:- Expo, Friday E

EXPO | Dissertations
Forestry and Environmental Management | Co Authors: FRIDAY EMMANUEL


Assessing climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation opportunities were carried out in communities around Itu bridge-head in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The overall objective ofthis study was to determine the major climate change hazards, impacts of such hazards and the vulnerability factor to climate change as well as suggest the adaptation measures ofthe communities in the study area. The study sourced for both primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained using field trials, different Participatory Research Approaches (PRA) and questionnaire administered to fifty farmers and fifty fishermen in the three communities selected for the study. Secondary data were obtained from Cross River Basin Authority, Hydrological Station, Meteorological Station and from other scientific organizations. Climatic data of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were collected from Meteorological Station (NIMET) in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State for 30 years. Empirical analysis of rainfall showed a decreasing trend from 1979-2010. Temperature and relative humidity of the area showed increasing trend. The trend coefficient ofrainfall, temperature and relative humidity were -1.086mm/year, 0.1199°C/year and 0.1308%/year respectively. The correlation coefficient of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were 0.0587, 0.768 and 0.201 respectively, indicating significant differences between climatic elements and time. The key climate change hazards experienced in the study area were increasing incidence offlooding, severe wind storm, river bank erosion, salinity intrusion and rise in temperature. Activities that contributed to climate change in the area were deforestation, fossil fuel burning and land use system that had the following values 45.4%, 34.5% and 28.1% respectively. The vulnerable sectors in the study area were human health, agriculture, water resources, forestry, infrastructure and fishery. The study area was delineated into 3 zones X, Y and Z based on intensity of flooding observed in each zone. Plant species in each of the 3 zones were identified and enumeration carried out to determine their population densities. Samples of soils (0-15cm and 15-30cm) from each zone were collected and analyzed to ascertain the physical and chemical properties of the soils. The population density of tree and shrub species in zone X (flood area) was 145 and this was significantly lower than those in zone Z (Upland Area) 323. While the population density of grasses and herbs in zone X were significantly higher than those in zone Z 612 and 248 respectively. Also the season of the year also had a significant influence on the population density of plant species in the area as wet season recorded higher population than dry season. The sand content in sample position X, Y and Z were (56.35%, 53.34% and 75.32%) respectively in 0-15cm soil depth and (43.14%, 44.34% and 71.32%) respectively in 15cm-30cm soil depth. The soil pH values were 5.3, 5.2 and 5.4 in sample position X, Y and Z respectively at soil depth (0-15) cm and 4.9, 4.5,.and 5.1 in sample positions X, Y and Z respectively at soil depth (15cm-3O) cm. These values indicate that the soils were generally acidic in all the sample positions. The acidic level showed an increasing pattern towards the highly flooded area (X) although not very significant. The levels of total nitrogen and available phosphorous were significantly higher (p<0.05) in zone X than the other two zones sampled. The organic matter content in sample positions X, Y and Z were 2.55%, 2.78% and 2.24% respectively at 0-15cm soil depth, and 1.27%, 1.58% and 1.04% respectively at 15-30cm the soil depth. However, these values were significantly higher in the wet season than the dry season. The concentrations of heavy metals content (Fe, Mn and Al) in the soil samples were significantly higher in sample position Z (upland area) than in sample position X (flooded area). The study revealed that communities around Itu Bridge-head in Itu Local Government Area ofAkwa Ibom State, Nigeria are highly vulnerable to climate change and climate variability. The key vulnerability factors are closeness to Cross River bank and Atlantic Ocean, dependence on rainfed agriculture and fishing as occupation, poor infrastructure and lack of access to credit and resources. Climate- related extreme events which mainly affect the area are floods, severe wind storm, sea level rise and river bank erosion. The livelihoods of the people in the area face higher levels of risk under climate change. In order to reduce the vulnerability ofrural poor to climate change and climate variability, adaptation measures suggested include early warning weather forcast, engaging in alternative livelihood options that are sustainable under climate change such as flood tolerant rice fanning and aquaculture. Farmers and fishermen should have access to gender sensitive credit facilities, provision of education and medical services in the area 

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EXPO, E (2025). Climate Change Impact And Adaptation Opportunities In Communities Around Itu Bridge-Head In Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria:- Expo, Friday E. Retrieved Mar 14, 2025, from

MLA 8th

EXPO, EXPO. "Climate Change Impact And Adaptation Opportunities In Communities Around Itu Bridge-Head In Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria:- Expo, Friday E", 11 Mar. 2025, Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.


EXPO, EXPO. "Climate Change Impact And Adaptation Opportunities In Communities Around Itu Bridge-Head In Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria:- Expo, Friday E".,, 11 Mar. 2025. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. < >.


EXPO, EXPO. "Climate Change Impact And Adaptation Opportunities In Communities Around Itu Bridge-Head In Itu Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria:- Expo, Friday E" (2025). Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.

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