This study attempted to examine the experimental study ofthe effect of brands of ordinary portland cement (OPC) on the consistency and setting times of cement paste. Cement is the most...
Packaging materials used in containerization and handling of fresh fruits and vegetables were investigated for their suitability in meeting the peculiar needs of the fruits and vegetables....
The aim ofthis project Determination ofwater consumption pattern in Ngodo Uturu Isuikwuato LGA Nigeria. Water is one ofthe most valuable natural resources vital to the existence of any...
The effect of harrowing depth and operational speed on the performance of some tine harrow in Abia state were examined. Results revealed that the tine harrow had maximum field...
The study examined the environmental impact analysis of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Livestock Farm. The specific objectives are to: determine the effect of livestock...
The aim of this study is to examine the Farm structures used in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Livestock Farm and determine ifthe materials used in the structures are of...
The study on the effect of tillage depth, speed and effective ploughing width on draft and power requirement of a disc plough on sandy-clay soil in Abia state was carried out. Results...
This research work is an expert system for human nutritional diagnosis, developed in Web application using a service-oriented architecture. The software is an expert system with a database...
Production is the act of combining various material inputs and immaterial inputs in order to make something for consumption. The success of production comes about as a result of...
Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists,...
Fit is an important factor for consumers engaged into wearing unisex ready-made trousers. This study demonstrates how discriminant analysis can be used to improve the standard sizing...
This study considered the time series analysis of the number of children immunized against polio disease using Box-Jenkins methodology. Time series plot of the data showed evidence of...
This study is geared at fitting a time series model for forecasting the Nigerian non-oil export products using the Box and Jenkins time series method. The time series model class is the...
This research work intended to construct a mathematical model 1 .. which could be used to forecast the future values of treated cases of HIV/ AIDS infected patients- in the University of...
Bacterial and fungal isolates were obtained from effluents at three different palm oil mills in Ahia State. The bacterial isolates were identified to the generic levels as Bacillus...
The leaves of Acacia alata used traditionally for the treatment of snake bites, ringworm, and throat infections and Ageratum conyzoides used traditionally for the treatment of wounds,...
This research was carried out to study the effect ofirrigation frequency on growth parameters, crop coefficient and yield of Okra using manure in Tropical zone. This study covers responses...
This study presents the results of the investigation of the effects of elevated temperature on the compressive strength of grade 40 concrete. A total of 16 cubes specimen were cast, cured...
The challenges ofthe use ofsolar PV in tropical regions located in the coastal belt are enormous. For example, Lagos Nigeria is a typical example oftropical location along the...
Organic amendments can affect soil properties. The predictive power of selected water infiltration models in organic amended soils were evaluated. Ten (10) infiltration models...
This study ofthe effect of organic amendment on soil properties was carried out. It involves the determination ofthe soil physical and chemical properties before and after organic...
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a rhizome primarily grown in India. The rhizomes ofthe plant when dried and ground provide yellow and flavorful powder used for centuries as a spice, natural...
The aim of the study is to remove petroleum hydrocarbons from contaminated soils using vermicompost in order to restore the natural attributes ofthe soils in Nigeria. The data...
This study investigates the engineering properties oflight weight concrete made with saw dust as partial replacement of Cement in concrete. It was evaluated to have lighter density for...
Curing is the process of minimizing tire rate of moisture loss from concrete during cement hydration. In order to get good quality concrete, an adequate mix must be followed by curing in a...