Plant Science and Biotechnology

Effects of some grass straws and treculia africana bark on the yield, nutritional value, and mycochemical composition of pleurotus ostreatus fruitbodies (mont) singer.:-Okoye, Chiamaka


 Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus var florida (fr.) singer) was cultivated on different agrowastes. Andropogon gayanus straw. Oryza sativa straw (rice straw), Pennisetum purpurea...

42 pages (8334 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Anatomy of four plants (portulacea oleracea l, setaria barbata(l.)Kunth, commelina diffusa burm.f. And synedrella nudiflora(f.)G^vtn growing in spent lubricating oil polluted soil:-Opara, Daberechi T.


 The response ofthe growth and anatomy offour species of plant, Portulacea oleracea, Setaria barbata, Commelina diffusa and Synedrella midiflora in spent lubricating oil (SLO)...

51 pages (8678 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Phytochemical analysis of of the leaves of three piliostigma species (piliostigma malabaricum, piliostigma thonningii and piliostigma reticulatum). Njoku, Benson C


The phytochemical analysis of Piliostigma malabaricum, Piliostigma thonningii and Piliostigma reticulatum were investigated. The dried leaves were used for the ana ysis. e resu s o t e...

43 pages (7615 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity ofAvocado pear (Perseaamericana Mill) leaf, bark and unripe fruit :- Nwaogwugwu, Chetachi P.


The phytochemical content and antimicrobial activities ofPersea americana plant parts as well as their combined forms were investigated in this study. The results obtained showed the...

61 pages (11487 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Phytochemical Studies Of Three Piliostigma Species (Piliostigma Reticulatum(Dc)Hochst, Piliostigma Malabaricum(Roxb)Benth And Piliostigma Thonningii(Schumwh & Thonn.) Milne Redhead:- Maduerosi, Ihuoma P.


Plants contain diverse group of phytochemicals such as tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, . phenols and glycosides that possess enormous antimicrobial potential against bacteria, fungi and...

48 pages (10547 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Mutagenic Effects Of X - Irradiation On The Growth And Genes Of Capsicum Frutescens Var. Cayenne. L. (Lanagalanga), Capsicum Annum Var, Abbreviatum L. (Ose Ofe) And Capsicumfrutescens Var. Guan-Bonees L. (Ose Nkiri):- Nwokocha, Rita A.


Effects of radiation on Human, Animals and Plants genomes can never be over emphasized. This study was done to evaluate the mutagenic and growth implications of different doses (6 MGy, 7...

71 pages (14608 words) · Theses · 6 months ago

Yield, Heavy Metal And Nutritional Evaluation Of Pleurotus Ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. And Pleurotuspulntonarius (Fries) Quel. Fruit Bodies Cultivated On Three Log Substrates In Umudike, Abia State:- Nwoko, Magnus C


 Yield, heavy metal and nutritional evaluation oiPleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. kumm and Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fries). Quel, cultivated successfully conducted. Living trees ofD....

93 pages (20155 words) · Theses · 6 months ago

Mycoremediation Of Engine Oil-Polluted Soil Using The White Rot Fungus, Pleurotus Florida (Mont.) Singer, an edible Fungus:- Igbojionu, Vincent O.


The ability of a while rot macro-fungus, Pleurotusflorida, to degrade engine oil in contaminated soil was invest igated with a view to ascertaining its efficacy in reducing the toxicity of...

65 pages (10374 words) · Theses · 6 months ago

Pollen Morphology Of Datura Metel L., Millettia Thonningii Scrum. And Luffa Cylindrica L:- Asimole, Chibueze F.


 Morphology and structure of pollen were described for three different species of three plants; Datura metel from the family Solanaceae,Mi//ef/za thonningii from the family Fabaceae;...

31 pages (4978 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Effects Of Palm Oil Mill Effluent On The Germination Of Seeds Of Abebnoschus Esculentus L., Glycine Max L .And Zea Mays L.:- Awazie, Lucky N.


 Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) is considered the most harmful waste for the I environment it discharged untreated. The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of palm oil mill...

47 pages (7430 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Influence of Aqueous Leaf and Stem Extract on Chromolaeriaodoata on germination and seedling growth of Groundnut and Okra:- Amuruche Goodluck A.


A study using aqueous extracts of Chromolaenaodorata was carried out to investigate the possible allelopathic effect ofits stem and leaf extracts on germination and seedling...

32 pages (4791 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Phytochemical Screening And Antimicrobial Activities Of Cola Hispida Brenan And Keay, Cola Nitida Schott, Anacardium Occidental Linn And Mangifera Indica Linn:- Ibem, Nneka C.


 The anti-microbial activity and phytochemical analysis on the leaves of Anacardium occidentale, Cola hispida, Cola nitida and Mangifera indica was carried out. The four plant species...

55 pages (8409 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Effects Of Extraction Solvents On The Bioactive Components And Antimicrobial Activities Of Two Varieties Of Garcina Kola (Heckel):- Alozie, Chiamaka Vivian


The aim ofthis study is to compare the effectiveness ofthe extracts obtained using the different solvents - water, acetone, methanol and ethanol on the phytochemicals and antimicrobial...

35 pages (7663 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Influence of log substrate ofMangifera indica (L). on the Biochemical, Nutritional, Heavy metal, and Antimicrobial strenght of Vleurotus squarrosullus (MONT.) Singer:- Anyaoha, Anthonia C


The Biochemical, Nutritional, heavy metal, and Antimicrobial strength of Pleurotus squarrosulus from log substrate of Mangifera indica were investigated. The investigation was done in the...

66 pages (10420 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Antimicrobial Activity Of The Aqueous Leaf Extracts Of Amaranthus hybridus Linn., Amaranthus spinosus Linn., Caladium bicolor Vent and Colocasia esculenta (Linn.) Schott.:- Iwuoha, Dorathy C


The antimicrobial properties of the aqueous leaf extracts of A. spinosus, A. hybridus, C. esculenta, C. bicolor on four human pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella...

45 pages (7553 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

"Studies Of The Mitotic Chromosomal Differences Of Three Varieties Of Maize (Zea Mays L.):- Nnamani Daniel C.


The mitotic chromosomal dcfferences of three varieties of maize (Zea mays ever/a, 'Lea mays saccharata and Zea mays turnicata) from root tips were investigated using squashing method....

42 pages (7875 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial And Laxative Potential Of Ethanol Leave Extract Of Synedrella Nodiflora(L). Gaertn:- Onyegwara, Cynthia N..


Aliments are parts of human life, but due to resistant nature of synthetic drugs and its cost rate there is need for alternative and there comes medicinal plants which have and continued...

56 pages (12429 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Anatomical Studies of Eluesine indica and Axonopus compressus grown on waste engine oil contaminated soil:- Mbadiugha, George E.


 The concentrations of waste engine oil increase in our environment from year to year. Different kinds of plants respond to concentration of contaminants differently, because of the...

57 pages (10369 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Anti-Inflammatory And Diuretic Activities Of Ethanolic Extracts Of Smilax Anceps Wild:- Ukoji, Nene A.


 The present study investigated the anti-inflammatory and diuretic activities of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Smilax anceps. Twenty (20) adults rats were used for this study. They...

38 pages (8112 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Alpha amylase inhibitory activities and antioxidative properties of some medicinal plants used in the South East, Nigeria:-Ohanyerem, Princemartins E.


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by a loss of glucose homeostasis, due to disturbance of carbohydrate, fats, and protein metabolism, resulting from defects in...

56 pages (12218 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Heavy metal content of P. maximum grown in soil contaminated with waste engine oil:- Ibok, Etima I.


 The study examined the heavy metal content of P. maximum (W.Hill) grown in soil contaminated with waste engine oil. The discriminate dumping of waste engine oil which has led to the...

49 pages (11360 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Production of Single Cell Protein from Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum and Nakai] waste using Aspergillus niger and Saccharomyces cerevisiae:- Agu Akachukwu G.


 In this work, dry and wet peels derived from watennelon waste as alternative substrate for Single Cell Protein production from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (from palm wine), Aspergillus...

64 pages (16442 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Phytochemical Screening And Antimicrobial Activity Of Four Nigerian Medicinal Plants:- Amakwe, Ogadinma C.


The antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of the leaves of Piper guineense Schumach, Psidium guajava Linn, Gongrenema latifolium Endl and Terminalia catappa Linn was carried...

53 pages (9642 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

The effect of diesel contaminated soil on seedling growth of Bambara groundnut, pigeon pea and African yam bean: Kalu, Daniel P.


 This study was carried out in the field to evaluate the morphological changes of Vigna subterranean, Cajanus cajan and Sphenostylis stenocarpa, grown in diesel contaminated soil at...

40 pages (7165 words) · Projects · 6 months ago

Effect Of Salt Stress On The Growth And Nitrogen Assimilation Of African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stenocarpa) (L.):- Kalu, Patience E.


The effect of salt stress on the growth and nitrogen assimilation of Sphenostylis stenocarpa (African yam bean) was investigated. There were five treatments (0.0 l mOl/1, 0.03mol/l,...

39 pages (6366 words) · Projects · 6 months ago
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