The study was carried out to dclcnnine (he prevalence of geohclminlhs on some selected edible fruits and vegetables commonly consumed in two Local Governments of Mbaise (Ahiazu and Aboh). Imo State, Nigeria between April to June, 2018. Two hundred (200) samples of dirterent vegetables naniclx Taimum trian^ulare (water leaf), Telfairia occidcntalis (fluted pumpkin), Gndum atricana (I'kazi) and Curcumis sativum (Cucumber) and one fruit Solatium melongena (garden egg) bought from two dillcrcnt markets were examined for the presence of parasites using scdimcntaiion technique. One hundred and sixty (160) samples examined were vegetables while forty(40) samples were fruit. Of these numbers. 126 (78.75%) samples of the vegetables were inlecled while 22 Geohclminlhs on the vegetables and truit was 148. Level of contamination on the different vegetables and Iruil varied. Telfairia occidcntalis (fluted pumpkin) had the highest infection rate 37 (92.50°b) followed closely by Talinum trian^ulare (water leaf) 35 (87.50%). Strongy^loides stereoralis occurred most among the parasites observed 52 (26.00%) followed by Ancyclostoma duodcnalc 48 (24.00°o), Ascaris lumbricoides 25 (12.50%) while Trichuris trichuria 23 (11.50°o) recorded the least. Atbr Ogbe market recorded a higher infection rate both in vegetables and fruit 66 (82.50%) and 12 (60.00%) respectively than A for Enyiogwugwu market which recorded 60 (75.00%) for vegetables and 10 (50.00%) for fruit. There was no statistical significant difierence ((X2= 1.8031, df=3, P< 0.61) between the locations. Soil transniitted inlection can be a public health problem in the study area and beyond, depending on who buys the x*egetables and fruits. Preventive measures to reduce or completely prevent the seeding ofthe environment with faeces and thereby prevent infection and should be put in place.
Title page
Dedication iii
Table ofcontents v
List oftables vi
List ofplates vii
List offigures viii
Abstract ix
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction and Literature Review 1
Background ofthe study 1
1.2 Problem statement 3
1.3 Aim and objectives 4
1.4 Literature review 4
1.5 Clinical manifestations ofgeohelminths infections 11
1.5.1 Early larva migration 11
1.5.2 Intestinal parasitism by adult worm 11
1.5.3 Complications ofsoil transmitted infections 12
1.6 Global prevalence of geohelminths infections 12
1.7 Risk factors for soil transmitted helminths 15
1.7.1 Genetics 15
1.7.2 Behavior, household clustering and occupation 15
1.7.3 Poverty, sanitation, and urbanization 15
1.7.4 Climate, water and season 16
1.8 Control and prevention ofsoil transmitted diseases 16
Chapter Two: Materials and methods 18
2.1 Study area 18
2.2 Study design 18
2.3 Sample collection 20
2.4 Parasitological processing ofsamples 20
2.5 Data Analysis 21
Chapter Three: Results 27
3.1.1 Occurrence ofParasites in Vegetables and Fruits
3.1.2 Levels ofContamination in Vegetables and Fruit
3.1.3 Location Related Prevalence
Chapter Four: Discussion and conclusion 34
4.1 Discussion 34
4.2 Conclusion 35
4.3 Recommendation 35
References 37
Table 3.1 Distribution ofparasites on diflerent vegetables and fruit 28
Table 3.2 Level ofcontamination ofthe different vegetables/fruit 30
Table 3.3 Overall prevalence ofparasites on vegetables and fruit
In the two markets 31
Tabic 3.4 Distribution ofparasites on different vegetables and fruit
in the two markets 33
Plate 2.1: Solatium mclongcna (garden egg) 22
Plate 2.2: Curcumissativum (Cucumber) 23
Plate 2.3: Talinum triangidare (water leaf) 24
Plate 2.4: Tclfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin) 25
Plate 2.5: Gnetum africana (Ukazi) 26
Figure 1.1: lite cycle ofAscaris lumbricoidcs 8
Figure 1.2: life cycle of Trichuris trichiura 9
Figurel.3: life cycle of Hookworm 10
Figure 1.4: Global prevalence and distribution of STH infection.
Figure 2.1: Map ofMbaise 19
-- (2023). Prevalence Of Geohelminths In Some Selected Vegetables And Fruit Marketed In Aboh And Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria.. Repository.mouau.edu.ng: Retrieved Mar 07, 2025, from https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/prevalence-of-geohelminths-in-some-selected-vegetables-and-fruit-marketed-in-aboh-and-ahiazu-mbaise-local-government-area-imo-state-nigeria-7-2
--. "Prevalence Of Geohelminths In Some Selected Vegetables And Fruit Marketed In Aboh And Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria." Repository.mouau.edu.ng. Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 28 Jul. 2023, https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/prevalence-of-geohelminths-in-some-selected-vegetables-and-fruit-marketed-in-aboh-and-ahiazu-mbaise-local-government-area-imo-state-nigeria-7-2. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
--. "Prevalence Of Geohelminths In Some Selected Vegetables And Fruit Marketed In Aboh And Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria.". Repository.mouau.edu.ng, Repository.mouau.edu.ng, 28 Jul. 2023. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. < https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/prevalence-of-geohelminths-in-some-selected-vegetables-and-fruit-marketed-in-aboh-and-ahiazu-mbaise-local-government-area-imo-state-nigeria-7-2 >.
--. "Prevalence Of Geohelminths In Some Selected Vegetables And Fruit Marketed In Aboh And Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria." Repository.mouau.edu.ng (2023). Accessed 07 Mar. 2025. https://repository.mouau.edu.ng/work/view/prevalence-of-geohelminths-in-some-selected-vegetables-and-fruit-marketed-in-aboh-and-ahiazu-mbaise-local-government-area-imo-state-nigeria-7-2