
Capital Structure And Corporate Performance In The Nigerian Listed Insurance Companies


The study investigated capital structure and corporate performance in Nigerian  listed insurance companies, it aimed to examine the leverage on the profitability of quoted insurance...

50 pages (12537 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Internal Control Measures On Operations Of Government Establishments In Nigeria (A Study Of Ministry Of Finance, Abia State)


This  study  investigated   impact  of  internal  control  measures   on  operations   of government ...

80 pages (18064 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Value Added Tax On The Economic Growth of Nigeria (2006-2014)


This study focuses on the effect of valued added tax on the  economic growth of Nigeria  (2006-2015).  The specific objectives where to  determine  the effect of...

59 pages (11127 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Cash Control On Corporate Performance Of Financial Institutions In Nigeria (A Study Of Union Bank Plc)


The study evaluated  the impact of cash control on corporate performance of financial institutions in Nigeria. It extracted data from annual reports of the selected bank from 2008 to...

59 pages (12648 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Budget Deficit On Nigerian Economy (2005-2016)


The research  was undertaken  to ascertain  the  effects  of budget  deficits  on the Nigerian  economy.  Ex-post  facto research ...

56 pages (9555 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Application Of Financial Ratio In Evaluating Corporate Performance: A Study Of First Bank Of Nigeria, Plc


This research study was·   conducted to show the·  eoaluation=o]  -·corporate · performance using financial  ratio Analysis  Nigerian banking industry .....

94 pages (23813 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Forensic Audit On Fraud Detection And Prevention


The  study   investigated   the  use  of forensic    accounting   in fraud   detection   and prevention ...

74 pages (12891 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Social Responsibility Cost On The Performance Of Organizations In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Lafarge Cement Wapco Plc)


The study examines the effect of social responsibility  cost on the performance  of organizations  in Nigeria,  with special  reference  to LAFARAGE ...

67 pages (13242 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Corporate Governance On Financial Performance Of Banks In Nigeria (A Study Of Oba Nigeria Plc)

The  study    examined     the  effect of corporate   governance   on financial    performance    of banks in...
69 pages (17428 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Environmental Cost On The Performance Of Manufacturing Companies In Nigeria (A Study Of Guinness Plc)

Over the years, firms  have often neglected the stewardship  accounting  relating to cost incurred in environmental  development  activities.  This...
59 pages (14062 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Forensic Accounting And Its Influence On Fraud Detection And Prevention In Nigeria (A Study Of First Bank Plc)


This study aimed at evaluating forensic accounting and its influence on fraud detectioN and prevention in Nigeria. The ex-post facto research design was adopted and data...

73 pages (13679 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Petroleum Profit Tax On Economic Growth In Nigeria (2004-2014)

This study  examined  the effects  of petroleum  profit tax on economic  growth of Nigeria   from  2004  to 2014.   Taxation  of...
1 page (12606 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Cost Reduction On The Profitability On A Manufacturing Company In Nigeria (A Study Of Pz Nigerian Inaba, Abia State)


This study focused  on the examination of the effect of cost reduction on the profitability of a manufacturing company in Nigeria.  specifically, it investigated the...

87 pages (14302 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Budgeting And Budgetary Control On Performance Of Public Enterprise (A Study Of Enugu Electrical Distribution Company)

This research is aimed at evaluating  the effect of budgeting  and budgetary  control on  the  performance   of  public   enterprise: ...
90 pages (23460 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect of Capital Structure On The Performance Of Corporate Firms In Nigeria (A Study Of Financial And Manufacturing Sector)

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of capital structure on thefinancialperformance of First City Monument Bank Pfc. However, the major objective of the study is so ascertain the...
75 pages (17798 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Fiscal Responsibility And Revenue Allocation: Panacea To The Growth Of Three Tiers Of Government In Nigeria

All tiers  of government in Nigeria  should  have  access  to minimum revenue in other  to live up to their fiscal responsibility. Thus, is a tier of...
51 pages (11609 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Revenue And Fund Generation On The Development Of Local Governments In Nigeria (A Study Of Umuahia Local Government Area)


This project   work  examines  the  Effect  of  Revenue  and  Fund  Generation  in  the Development of   Local ...
58 pages (10353 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Impact Of Accounting Information On Bank Lending Decisions (Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)


A great deal of useful information comes from accounting functions as it provides data which when processed, serves as useful information to the management in its planning process.  ...

80 pages (19951 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effect Of Corporate Governance On The Performance Of Insurance Companies In Nigeria.


The study investigated the effect of corporate governance on performance of insurance companies in Nigeria with specific objectives to ascertain the effect of corporate governance on profit...

119 pages (24909 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of Tax Revenue On Economic Growth Of Nigeria (1999 - 2016)


The study investigated effect of tax revenue on economic growth of Nigeria. Income from six various taxes are the independent variables and proxies  for tax revenue in Nigeria ...

139 pages (20434 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Impact Of Inventory Management On Liquidity Of Firms In Nigeria (Study Of 7up Bottling Company)


This study examined the impact of inventory management on liquidity offirms in Nigeria.  The specific objectives were to determine the effect of inventory management on acid test ratio...

61 pages (16623 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation On Economic Growth Of Nigeria


The study investigated effect of exchange rate fluctuation on economic growth of Nigeria from 1986-2016. It adopted ex post facto research design and extracted data from the central bank of...

85 pages (19341 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Effect Of Corporate Governance On Performance Of Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria


The study investigated effect of corporate governance on performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria.  It extracted data from annual reports of 5 selected banks from 2010  to...

95 pages (18327 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Impact Of Environmental Accounting On The Performance Of Oil And Gas Company (A Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company River State)


This  study  focuses    on  the  impact  of  Environmental   Accounting   on  the  profitability  of  Shell...

78 pages (13506 words) · Projects · 4 years ago

Impact Of Merger And Acquisition On Performance Of Banks In Nigeria (A Study Of Selected Banks)


The study determined the Impact of mergers and acquisition on the performance of banks in Nigeria, the specific objectives are to evaluate the impact of merger and acquisition  on...

90 pages (18372 words) · Projects · 4 years ago
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