The microbiological quality of African salad a special salad recipe native to Nigeria was investigated in order to provide the microbial quality of this exotic delicacy. Samples of...
The prevalence of Hospital-acquired Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(HA-MRSA) from in-patients of the Abia State Diagnostic and Specialist Center, Umuahia was investigated. Out...
Microorganisms associated with Deteriorated dioscorea rotundata L. (white yam) was studied. Discorea rotundata (white yam) with no symptoms of infection were procured locally from different...
Bacteriological analysis of Air within Undergraduate Microbiology Laboratory, College of Natural Sciences, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike was studied. This research was...
The Prevalence of methicilin resistant Staphylococcus aureus was assessed among food handlers in Umudike. Nasal swabs were collected from 50 food handlers made up of 9 males and 41 females....
A wound is a breach in the skin and the exposure of subcutaneous tissue following loss of the skin integrity which provides a moist, warm and nutritive environment...
Isolation and identification of antibiotic producing bacteria from soil were carried out. Ten (10) soil samples were collected from different sites around the institution and screened for...
Soil is the major repository of microorganism that produce antibiotics. Clinically useful antibiotics have been isolated from several groups of soil microorganisms including bacteria...
Thirty samples of four different parts of chicken varieties were analyzed to determine their microbial flora; the samples were collected from cold rooms, local market and super markets. All...
This study was carried out to investigate the microbial quality and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of bacterial isolates from borehole and stream waters used by some villages in Abia...
Liquid herbal medicinal products are crude preparations of various kinds of medicinal plants involving leaves, stems, roots, flowers and seeds. Twenty liquid herbal medicine products sold...
Fifty (50) poultry intestinal fluid samples were collected from Ubani market in Umuahia. The intestinal fluid samples were subjected to laboratory analysis to isolate the Salmonella spp....
Klebsiella species are known to cause a variety of human infections such as pneumonia, septicaemia, urinary tract infection and other soft tissue infections. One hundred clinical samples,...
This study investigated microorganism on concrete surface (old and new). The study was guided by three objectives, to identify the microorganisms, present on old and new concrete surfaces,...
Ogi is a traditional fermented food produced from maize and serves as breakfast foor the majority of the population and is a good food choice for the sicks. This study was carried out to...
Vitamins are important micronutrients that are often precursors to enzymes, which all living cells require to perform biochemical reactions. This work studied the vitamin contents of...
The present study was undertaken to find out the Prevalence and Antibiogram of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical samples.A total of 68 Clinical samples (Urine, Sputum, High...
This study was designed to assess the microbiological quality of indoor and outdoor air of Microbiology laboratory of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. A total of six (6)...
Human and animal infections caused by Escherichia coli species remain a significant public health problem worldwide. The present study was conducted to determine the occurrence of...
This study was done to determine isolates from five brand of fish feeds (Top,Eco,Alleraqua,Blue crown and Nsun). The samples were collected from Ndoro market, and Umuahia main market,...
The soil environment constitutes largely an untapped source of microorganisms with the potentiality of producing antibiotics. The soil microorganisms are responsible for a great percentage...
The microbial and physicochemical qualities of water supply in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike hostels were investigated. Four samples were collected from different sources...
The Isolation, Identification and antibacterial susceptibility pattern of pathogens from wound infections were carried out. A total of 50 wounds swabs were analyzed for isolation of...
The study was carried out to isolate and identify the bacterial organisms associated with bacterial contamination of rings. A total of one hundred (100) rings worn by various categories of...
The egg content and shell of each sample were purchased from Ndume, Ndoru, Umudike and Ahiaeke and were analysed for possible occurrence of Salmonella bacteria....