Soil Science

Screening For Tolerance to Wilt Diseases in Rainfed Tomato in Umiidike.


'Ten different varieties of tomato were screened in field experiments in Umudike, for tolerance to wilt diseases during the 1998 wet season. The results showed that all plants wilted and...

30 pages (5529 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Determination of Phosphorus Requirement of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) In Some Soils of Southeastern Nigeria Using Phosphate Sorption Isotherm



The study was designed to determine the fertilizer P requirement of cowpea using P sorption isotherm. The P - sorption capacities of some soils Umudike and Bende, were determined....

57 pages (10314 words) · Projects · 3 years ago

Effects Of Fertilizer, Lime And Organic Manure On The Nodulation And Growth Of Soybean (Glyc/Ne Max(L) Merrill) In South Eastern Nigeria



Green house experiment was conducted to study the effects of organic manure, lime and

inorganic fertilizer on the nodulation and growth of Soybean (Glycine max (L) merrill) on an


42 pages (7430 words) · Projects · 3 years ago
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